6 signs that show you’re Hypertensive

6 signs that show you’re Hypertensive
According to healthline hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a very common disorder characterised by a continuous rise in blood pressure that beats against the walls of the blood vessels, causing damage if the condition is not treated and brought back to normal.
The likelihood of acquiring cardiovascular disease and other severe problems is raised by having this condition. The force with which your heart contracts and the resistance your arteries offer to blood flow together to determine your blood pressure.
Blood pressure increases because the heart has to pump more blood through narrowed arteries. Individuals with hypertension sometimes ignore warning signs because they do not associate their symptoms with the seriousness of their condition.
Verywellhealth explains the six telltale indicators of hypertension and the appropriate course of action in each case.
1. Ongoing headaches.
Those with hypertension are no more likely than others to suffer from headaches. After forgetting to take their hypertension medication, some patients experience an increase in headache frequency and/or intensity. Hypertension can cause a wide variety of headache types and severity levels.
2. Fatigue.
Check your blood pressure if you feel like you’re constantly exhausted. When we say that we’re tired, we’re referring to a lack of energy and enthusiasm. It also has the potential to interrupt your regular routine.
3. Feeling dizzy or faint is the result.
A person’s neck, chest, and ears may feel like they’re being crushed when their blood pressure is too high. This could cause dizziness or vertigo.
4. hazy photos with washed-out colours.
Vision becomes impaired due to hypertension. Hypertensive retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness because it damages blood vessels in the eyes. Even if you already know you have high blood pressure, you should get checked out if you notice a change in your eyesight.
5. Discomfort and shortness of breath in the chest.
If you are feeling significant chest pain and/or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical treatment immediately. Even if your blood pressure is normal, you should still see a doctor if you have any concerns about your health. Nonetheless, it is still recommended that you have your blood pressure monitored at each doctor’s appointment.
6. Reddening of the face.
Facial blood vessel dilatation can cause blushing and occasional blood spot development. Possible hypertension warning sign.
If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s important to talk to your doctor about how you’re feeling and get checked out.
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