U.S Veep and Hubby only came to Ghana to force “same sex” on us – EAI Boss

U.S Veep and Hubby only came to Ghana to force “same sex” on us – EAI Boss
Never use these 2 words when giving an apology-they make you “fake and insincere’ | Check Here
Kamala Harris came with her husband and wanted us to accept same-sex, Nana Addo Swung – William Boadi, EAI
Dear countrymen, let’s wake up! A stranger U. S Vice President, Kamala Harris wants to redefine our values standing alongside Ghana’s president, Nana Akufo-Addo, Harris said she felt “very strongly” about supporting the development of LGBTQ+ rights in Africa.
“I will also say that this is an issue that we consider and I consider to be a human rights issue and that will not change,” she continued.
Look, we are Africans and we shall uphold our traditional values no matter the deflated rate of our current leadership.
Most of our African leaders are thankers instead of thinkers, especially Ghanaian leaders but it is not too late to repair the broken leadership.
The ancestors bowed to some degree of unnecessary doctrines. In the Gold Coast era, we were practicing one man to at least 4 wives (polygamy) and they lived in peace until the colonial masters brainwashed and imposed on us foreign culture which gave birth to many predicaments.
Our President Nana Addo could have told her that same-sex in non-African but he begged the questions while trembling.
Educate Africa Institute (EAI) is declaring that we are Africans and we shall stick to our values with all due respect.
William Boadi
CEO of EAI, Educationist, Journalist, Socialist, and Political analyst.
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