Young Ladies: Avoid these 5 mistakes with your Bras

Young Ladies: Avoid these 5 mistakes with your Bras
We are all aware that bras and other delicate goods should be carefully washed. But doing a whole separate load of laundry just for bras is not likely to happen when doing the laundry at all is a nightmare. I’m conscious of the fact that I hardly ever have the stamina or the time to hand wash and hang dry my bras. Surely it can’t be that horrible.
You’re not doing yourself or your boobs any favors if you cut corners on the laundry, even if putting your bras in the washer or dryer won’t make them self-destruct. Finding comfortable bras that fit properly is challenging.
They are expensive and should be replaced every six to nine months, according to experts. (I should also mention that I wear my bras for a lot longer than that.) By gently handling your bras when you wash them, you can increase their lifespan.
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In order to learn about proper bra washing technique and some common mistakes we make with our intimates on wash day, I spoke with Suzanne Barton, executive vice president of design and global merchandising for PVH, one of the largest apparel companies in the U.S., and bra expert Frederika Zappe, a fitter with lingerie brands Freya, Elomi, and others.
1. You clean your bras way too often.
Unlike underpants, a bra doesn’t really need to be washed after each use. If you’ve been sweating a lot or if it smells, it should be washed, but if it’s dry and not too dirty, you’re welcome to wear it again (and again). According to Zappe to SELF, you are in charge of deciding when to wash your bra; you are not required to do so after each use. When deciding when it’s time, just think about how recently you washed it, how frequently you’ve worn it, and how long you’ve worn it. Take into account your recent activities, the weather (has it been exceptionally hot?), and the weather.
Zappe claims that cleaning your bra too regularly accelerates the aging of the elastic and fabric.
2) You have too much soap.
Remember that the majority of “regular” detergents may be excessively abrasive for your bras and may eventually cause the fabric to deteriorate, suggests Zappe. We suggest using a mild lingerie wash designed specifically to protect your delicates. Obviously, stay away from bleach! Barton also suggests using a delicate lingerie-friendly soap to prolong the life of your bras because they need a cleaner that will help protect their delicate textiles while it cleans.
3. You are not wearing a lingerie bag.
Although Barton advises hand washing bras, she does advise using a mesh lingerie bag if you really must (and there is no judgment here). The bag will stop bras from stretching out and bra hooks from catching on any other items you’re washing with them. To avoid them catching on one another or the bag, secure your bras first.
According to Zappe, the barrier it creates between your bras and other items in the load prevents the straps from tangling or stretching out. Even if you’re using a lingerie bag, we still advise washing on low heat with a delicate cycle.
4) Your sports bras require different care than your regular bras.
It’s important to remember that sports bras need a little extra care, despite the temptation to wash them in the same load as your favorite pair of leggings. Underwired types should be treated the same way as a typical bra with underwire, according to Zappe: wash them in a lingerie bag and try to prevent drying them.
5) Your bras aren’t getting dried completely.
If at all feasible, air dry. According to Zappe, machine drying bras can cause the fabric to deteriorate over time and damage the band’s suppleness. Also, the wires of the dryer may smash against the drum, causing bumps to form on the underwires, which is extremely unpleasant because it prevents the underwires from lying flush against your body. When air drying bras, Barton suggests hanging them by the center gore—the region in the middle of the cups—instead of the straps. It is possible to spread wet bras out via their straps.
Barton advises drying bras on an extremely low heat setting to prevent damage if you don’t have the time (or patience) to let them air dry, even though this is the gentlest approach.