
Foods that cause va_gina odor and it’s prevention

Foods that cause va_gina odor and it’s prevention

It might be an embarrassing question but we all want to know: why do vagina smells and when it comes to vagina odor, what is normal?

The truth is, our bodies effuse odors based on what we eat, what we wear, the state of our health, medication, bacteria activity on the skin, and gland secretions.

Understanding the types of smells that are normal and those that are not, are important health considerations women should know.

It’s normal to smell “ down there”, even right after bathing. The vagina is loaded with lymph nodes and glands. It has it’s own delicately balanced ecosystem, complete with it’s own unique odor-producing bacteria flora.

All women have the same natural vagina aroma. This scent will vary by person and may be described as sweet or musky. It may also smell metallic near your period or bleach-like after you’ve just had sexual intercourse. These scents are normal.

If your vaginal odor is running foul, like the smell of a dead fish or like a rotten bad meat, it may be a sign of a more serious condition. Also if you notice a strong, not so normal odor especially accompanied by itching or burning, it may also be an indicator of something more serious.

Some people wonder whether there are foods that makes your vagina smell bad sometimes. Eating certain products changes the acidity level of the microflora responsible for the smell of your vagina.

Foods with strong odor can also cause odor changes in your vagina. Spices, smoked foods, onion, garlic, broccoli, asparagus and coffee are all on the list of foods that can sometimes change the smell of the vagina.

Eating excessive amount of meat, dairy products and also alcohol can also make the vagina smell strong and sour.

On the other hand, citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits can make the smell and taste of vaginal fluids sweeter.

It is normal for vaginal odors to change according to lifestyle, diet, time of the month, sex life, and pH levels. However, understanding the underlying causes behind the different odors can significantly help women manage their vaginal health. The good news is that once unpleasant odors are treated, they disappear.

Filasco News

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