Which School’s Students Be This?… WATCH VIDEO

Which School’s Students Be This?… WATCH VIDEO
Is She Cheating? 10 warning signs to look out for… Point No.8 is the easiest
Instead of going to school to study good things in order to become a better person in the future, some go to school to rather spoil, become worst in the society by imitating bad things from friends.
Peer pressure can best describes it.
In this article, there is a video which captures two matured students, in a popular training college in Kenya.
The video available with Filasconews.com, and in circulation on other social media platforms captures the two love birds in action in the college’s backyard garden.
They filmed whatever they were doing themselves and shared it on social media. One cannot tell the motive behind their action.
But, an investigation conducted by Filasconews.com from some Kenyans social media platforms on telegram reveals that, the two in the video are like couple in the town. They are students, but also act like wh0res in all their videos.
They are found of engaging in indecent things(making indecent videos) and share them on social media for bad fame and to generate income too.
They have put learning aside and concentrating on making rogue videos to make money.
Now, we can describe these two students as “local p0rn st@rs” in Kenya.
Note, the video has been dropped on the Filasconews.com telegram page for interested readers and contributors to watch.
Viewers discretion is advised.
Click HERE to watch the video.
CHECK HERE for more of such contents.
SOURCE: Filasconews.com