Just relax, use these 5 simple ways to get her… Number 4 is key
File photo: Happy couple sharing a smile [Credit: Dean Mitchell Getty]

Just relax, use these 5 simple ways to get her… Number 4 is key
Sometimes people think that it is hard to find true love but in reality, it is what you do that will determine the outcome of what you get in your relationship.
As a man, it is good to note the simple yet important strategies that you should put in place to build and maintain your relationship.
Here are five simple ways of making a girl interested and maybe even fall in love with you.
Be respectful
Respect is the backbone of any relationship since we are living in an era where everyone is equal and everyone’s opinion counts.
As a man, you should not be one to make decisions all the time, ask for your woman’s opinions, and also do your best to make her feel like a part of your life.
It is through such actions that she will feel appreciated and feel confident being around you.
Shouting at a woman should never cross your mind as a man. How you solve your problems is key to unlocking the next steps in your relationships.
Be a listener
Women love it when a man listens. A man who listens simply cares what a lady is going through.
Having the ability to listen to a woman’s problems shows that you are good at communicating and this will help you to learn more about her.
The more you show a lady that you understand and value her, the more she will open up to you.
The advantage of being a good listener is that you will always be ahead of any situation that faces the two of you, and you will face fewer obstacles in trying to establish the solutions to challenges that come along the way.
Be optimistic
Do you always hope for the best? Women tend to feel secure around men who have a positive take on life.
Try doing something and if you fail to achieve it, simply change your strategies and try doing it again.
Take it slow
Don’t rush things. Good things take time and this means that as a man, you should never be on a girl’s neck forcing her to be your girlfriend.
Know that love is a process that needs dedication and the alignment of one’s feelings toward a certain person.
Buying many gifts for a woman or taking her out frequently to win her heart easily is manipulative. Instead, do things that really matter gradually before escalating the nature of gifts and your presence in her life.
Give her compliments
Just like any other human being, women need reassurance that they are beautiful or that they look good.
Reassurance comes in many ways and this could be, for example, through giving her presents during her birthday or your anniversary.
Showing her that you value her in every step of your relationship will make it easy for her to love you without being forced.