Leading cause of death in Ghana | Check Here

Leading cause of death in Ghana | Check Here
Like I did before I conducted research for this article, many of you may be thinking that you know what the leading cause of death in Ghana might be. Famous diseases such as HIV and Malaria my come to mind, but did you know that the number 1 killer in Ghana is Stroke, followed by Coronary Heart Disease? The other diseases that make up the top 10 include 3. Pneumonia, 4. HIV/AIDS, 5. Malaria, 6. Diabetes Mellitus, 7. Tuberculosis, 8. Liver Disease, 9. Road Traffic Accidents, 10. Diarrhea.a
Although there are several campaigns against many of these causes of death such as HIV, Malaria, TB and Road Accidents, it is surprising that the number 1 killer, Stroke, does not have such a campaign to help prevent it. As younger and younger people die each day due lifestyle habits and negligence of fitness, it is necessary to examine what we can do on a daily basis to reduce the likelihood of death. Each year, more than 15,000 people in Ghana die from Stroke, so follow the advice below to increase your likelihood of joining this number.
Harvard Medical School recommends 7 Steps you can take to reduce your chance of Stroke.
A short summary of these are:
1. Lower your blood pressure by reducing your salt intake to half a teaspoon per day, quitting smoking, exercising, and eating at least four fruit and veggies cups per day.
2. Drop the weight by staying active and eating healthily.
3. Keep Active because increased activity will lead to a healthier circulatory system.
4. Drink only in moderation.
5. Treat any irregular heartbeat symptoms by going for regular checkups at the hospital.
6. Take good care of your Diabetes if you are diagnosed by sticking to recommended foods.
7. Stop Smoking if you can
Here are some quick indications that you are having a stroke:
1. You feel weak on one side of your body.
2. You have a severe headache and you can’t see.
3. You find yourself swaying or staggering while walking.