Dear Prof Adei, your utterances about Ghana’s education must carry wisdom, thrust, and dent measures rather than GARBAGE – EAI Boss, William Boadi
Dear Prof Adei, your utterances about Ghana's education must carry wisdom, thrust, and dent measures rather than GARBAGE... with all due respect - EAI Boss, William Boadi

Dear Prof Adei, your utterances about Ghana’s education must carry wisdom, thrust, and dent measures rather than GARBAGE – EAI Boss, William Boadi
“All professions can boast but the teacher taught all of them”
I have carefully observed Prof. Stephen Adei’s utterances about Ghana’s education system, especially when addressing issues with public basic school teachers for so long and he is always found on the offside. This learned Prof has indeed contributed his quota to Ghana’s education, especially when was a rector at GIMPA but his statements about the proper way to improve Ghana’s basic education have been fragile.
References to Prof. Adei’s Statements:
1. 24 Jan 2019, “Basic School Teachers Are “Criminals”
2. 7th of February 2017, “Sack non-performing teachers in public schools”
3. 18th October 2017 “We need to sack all teachers”
4. 11th February 2023, “Sack all public basic school teachers and start afresh”
The above statement from this man depicts nothing but hatred for our affable teachers who are striving in the various classrooms despite the poor conditions of service. Sacking teachers due to poor performance is bad advice. What happens to the education minister considering the poor system?
And I wonder how he treats the teachers teaching in his private school.
Look, these are some of the best ways to improve our education system:
1. To make tuition at the College of Education level practical with contemporary materials.
2. Provide every necessary educational material in all schools.
3. Implement teacher performance and motivation schemes with special welfare packages.
4. A liberal type of educational curriculum guides teachers to help learners identify their talents and gifts.
5. Begin specialization education right from primary 3 as compared to Finland and other countries.
6. Make craft compulsory and reject broom as a craft.
7. Acquire empirical knowledge and skills about the things around us, scrap the English language as an examinable subject, and champion entrepreneurship skills acquisition.
8. Make writing, reading, understanding, and speaking basic requirements.
9. Scrap the 4 core subjects’ barriers and focus on learners’ interest areas.
10. Character training and confidence building to face the world etc.
11. End the 100% lecturing method of teaching at the Universities, change to practice, and application of project works.
These are some of the things we need to do to improve the education sector. We are forcing every student to pass the 4 core subjects no matter your area of interest or talent, if you fail one of them they say you are useless. The fact that one has failed the English language does not mean he/she is good for nothing, no way! It’s just a language like Twi.
Please, how many students graduate from the Universities every year, and where are their project works?
We have an unemployed graduate association in Ghana, so should we render all the University lecturers useless and sack them in addition?
Prof. Stephen Adei, please make sure your statements encourage teachers and provide them with better alternatives and solutions to help unfold the situation confronting the country’s education system.
Besides, Prof. if you have nothing better to say then humbly be quiet to let our teachers manage their poor conditions. Most of them are posted to towns that you don’t even know that it exists in Ghana.
Mind you, the age-old saying that all professions can boast but the teacher taught all of them remains incontestable.
I am a Ghanaian and Africa is born in me.
William Boadi
CEO of Educate Africa Institute(EAI), Educationist, Political analyst, and Journalist.
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