Burkina Faso: Muslims murder at least 28 people in two separate jihad attacks

Burkina Faso: Muslims murder at least 28 people in two separate jihad attacks
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)
“Burkina Faso: dozens of soldiers, civilians killed in jihadist-hit north,” North Africa Post, January 31, 2023:
At least 28 people, including soldiers and civilians, have been killed in two separate attacks by rebel fighters in northern Burkina Faso, a regional governor and the army said in separate statements.
The army said on Monday (30 January) that a combat unit in Falagountou, in the country’s north near its border with Niger, came under attack and that 10 soldiers, two fighters of the volunteer force and a civilian were killed. On the same day, the bodies of 15 men, all civilians, had been found following an attack on Sunday (29 January), authorities in the country’s Cascades region near the border with Ivory Coast said in a separate statement. Armed men had reportedly stopped two transport vehicles carrying eight women and 16 men, the women and one man were freed, the rest of the men were shot dead.
The latest killings come as Burkina Faso — and its neighbors in Mali and Niger — battle armed groups linked to al-Qaeda and ISIL who have occupied territory in the country’s arid and mainly rural north, executing hundreds of villagers and displacing nearly 2 million people. The fighters have blockaded towns and villages, worsening a food crisis….
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By Robert Spencer