STOP these HABITS to prevent erectile Dysfunction

STOP these HABITS to prevent erectile Dysfunction
Our lifestyle is a major factor that can affect our health in so many ways. In this article, we will be talking about certain habits that could potentially cause erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction(ED) is a common condition among men and can make life very miserable for most. It is linked to any situation such as atherosclerosis that limits the availability of vascular Nitric Oxide(NO) and testosterone levels.
You should avoid any of these habits to prevent erectile dysfunction.
Lack of Exercise
Regular exercise helps your body burn down cholesterol, improves circulation and reduces oxidative stress. However, lack of exercise leads to build up of fats in blood vessels, making you prone to atherosclerosis and hypertension which can both lead to erectile dysfunction.
Inadequate Sleep
If you are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, then that’s pretty bad. A 2019 study suggests that inadequate sleep can also make you prone to the development plaque in your arteries, or atherosclerosis
This limits the flow of your circulation, making it difficult to get and maintain an erection.
Tobacco Smoking
Tobacco is known to contain at least 250 chemicals, which are all harmful to our health. Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction in both direct and indirect ways. Directly, smoking causes a significant constriction of the blood vessels. This decreases circulation of blood around the body, including into the penis. Indirectly, smoking increases your chance of developing of atherosclerosis which can result in ED.
Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Intoxicating effects of alcohol can interrupt the signals the brain sends to to the penis. Excessive drinking of alcohol negatively affects testosterone levels. The risk for permanent erectile-dysfunction is high with alcohol.
Stress-Oriented Life
Research suggests that psychological factors like stress and anxiety are often the culprit behind ED. This is because stress is always linked muscle tension, obesity and high blood pressure which also makes you susceptible to erectile dysfunction.
If you want a healthy sexual life, free from all the misery some people experience, then make it a principle to not be involved in any of the above habits.
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