
You’re killing your Kidneys slowly with these 7 practices

You’re killing your Kidneys slowly with these 7 practices

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What you should know: Kidney failure, sometimes referred to as end-stage kidney disease, happens when the kidneys can no longer efficiently filter your blood of waste products and regulate the amount of fluid in your body. The failure of the kidneys can occur suddenly or gradually. Dialysis or a kidney transplant are required for those with renal failure to remain alive.

We’ve become accustomed to certain lifestyle choices damaging our kidneys. The general health of our body depends on these vital organs.

In addition to preserving pH and mitosis, it also acts as a filter to get rid of extra waste produced by metabolic processes. By being aware of these dangerous behaviors, you must actively work to protect your kidneys at all costs.

hands carrying a stethoscope and a crimson heart for International Kidney Day

These ten (7) behaviors are slowly killing your kidneys:

1. The most frequent threat to kidney health is an increase in blood pressure, which hastens kidney damage. Also, it aids in the formation of kidney stones, which are known to cause agonizing agony and nausea.

2. Eating prepared food: Making a meal with fresh produce may be more difficult and unpleasant than eating prepared food. On the other hand, due to the high salt and phosphorus content in processed foods, renal problems are far more prone to progress over time.

3. Insufficient sleep: Kidney health deterioration is strongly linked to nighttime sleep deprivation. The functioning of the kidney and sleep-wake cycles are synchronized, according to study. As a result, inadequate sleep interferes with kidney function and eventually results in renal damage.

(4) Smoking

Smoking is strongly linked to lung damage and raises the risk of getting a number of kidney cancers. It also damages the arteries that provide blood to your heart and kidneys, which prevents enough blood from reaching your kidneys.

5. Excessive alcohol intake: The body is fine with the occasional glass of wine.

Yet excessive alcohol use has a number of detrimental effects, such as dehydration and an increase in blood pressure. The kidney is unable to carry out its intended functions as a result.

6. Insufficient exercise: A sedentary lifestyle greatly increases your risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure in addition to harming your general health. The ability of the kidney to operate normally is impacted by each of these factors, which also hastens renal aging.

7. Consuming too much protein

Protein is important for growth and repair, however consuming too much animal protein might damage the kidneys. When animal protein causes a lot of acid to remain in the blood, the kidneys overwork and become unable to maintain the body’s pH balance.

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