‘M@d women’ raper finally arrested by Police

‘M@d women’ raper finally arrested by Police
Laison Chitumbwi, 42, has been taken into custody on suspicion of raping his mentally ill neighbor. According to reports, the accused sneaks into the mad woman’s house whenever she is alone and rapes her.
The accused’s arrest was confirmed by Investigator Luckmore Chakanza of the Harare Police Department, and the victim has been sent to Parirenyatwa Group Of Hospitals for clinical evaluation.
He also said that the accused went to the victim’s house alone and proposed to her, but she said no, so he went there again and lied to her about marrying her. She was dragged to the accused’s room, where he raped her without any protection.
He continues to raped her whenever she was alone until the victim told her grandmother about her ordeal and the rapist was arrested.
Source: Gnewspage