Say No To Bread If You Have Any Of These 3 Medical Conditions

Say No To Bread If You Have Any Of These 3 Medical Conditions
Bread supplies a significant portion of the nutrients required for growth, maintenance of health and well-being. It is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre and carbohydrates. It is also low in fat and cholesterol.
However, researchers have found out that bread is nutritionally deficient when compared to other foods like fruits and vegetables. It is high in calories and carbohydrates, but it is deficient in protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. As a result, consuming too much of it is unhealthy.
Persons with the following health conditions need not to eat bread at all, unless prescribed by a medical expert.
#1. Diabetes.
Bread consumption raises the risk of obesity, which raises the risk of getting diabetes. This is accurate because, ‘normal’ bread is prepared with sugar and highly processed white flour. All diabetics should limit their bread consumption or stop the consumption of bread.
#2. Celiac disease
It is a specific type of gluten sensitivity. An autoimmune disorder called celiac disease can be brought on by consuming gluten. It is also known as gluten intolerance. Your immune system reacts to gluten-containing foods if you have celiac disease. If you have this condition and consuming gluten-containing foods, such as bread or cereal, you risk developing life-threatening symptoms.
#3. Heart disease
Refined or processed carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, low-fiber breakfast cereals, and others, can be harmful to the heart. Avoid eating bread if you have a cardiac or heart condition.
It is advisable to stay away from bread if you have any of the above mentioned health conditions.
Nutrients In Bread
All breads are nutritious and the differences between them in nutritional value are not significant if we eat a balanced diet.
White bread has approximately the same carbohydrate and protein content as wholemeal bread, contains soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, and a good percentage of the whole wheat nutrients. It is made from unbleached flour made from the inner 78% of the wheat grain. If you prefer white bread to wholegrain breads, you can get your extra fibre from other foods such as wholegrain cereals.
White flour may be added to wholemeal flour to make wheat meal products. Due to it gluten protein content, white bread is often added to improve the baking quality of breads made with wholemeal flour.
Wheat meal breads are not subject to food regulations and so the quantity of wholemeal flour used may vary. Nutritional comparisons are therefore difficult to make.
By Rexford Dede Baah-Nyarkoh