REFORM PENTECOST Ministers and revisit the Biblical Path for the Anticipated Revival.

REFORM PENTECOST Ministers and revisit the Biblical Path for the Anticipated Revival.
There is a trending video of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost (COP) and its leadership hierarchy acknowledging and lamenting over the deteriorating (morality, spirituality and doctrine) state of the their church. Everyone could see the sense of frustration from the facial expressions of the Chairman, who represents the national hierarchical council of the said church. I have been saying this on TV, Radio, Print and Social Media that the main-stream churches (especially Pentecostals and Charismatics) need reforms to the core and people lashed me. Now they should eat the humble pie by appreciating my expressed observations, if they are genuine Christians!
He identified Christ as the missing object in the church life both internally and externally of the church!
In fact the centrality of Jesus Christ initiates all! However, we can not go to church and just be chanting: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jeeessuuus and then, the church will come back into the lane! That’s a big No!
There are fundamentals that Jesus calls rocky foundations, until the evangelical churches go back to their roots, no amount of prayer and fasting, pastors’ seminars, revival meetings, camp meetings, crusades and conventions the church will hold, the Pharisaic yeast can not be removed and will continue to spread like cancer. The current state of The Church of Pentecost should be a CASE STUDY for Christianity in Ghana, if only the clergymen will be faithful.
Until the Christian Church, especially, The Evangelicals reobserves its call faith and practices, the downward experience will continue until Christianity disappeares totally from Ghana.
The root cause of worldliness in the Church of Pentecost, which emblematises national Christianity is the process of pastoral calling, Jesus had only one Judas among eleven apostle but the said church has the opposite (one apostle among eleven Judases). Most of their ministers are not converted, from the Chairman to the Sunday School Teachers. You can not use wolves in sheepskin to build spiritual churches. That is the hard truth. The Chairman should also focus on these central truths fashioned by the Apostles:
Christ, Scriptures, Gospel, Holy Spirit, the fear of God, genuine brotherly love, and lastly but not the least, supporting the needy in the church first before looking outside for the national acceptance!
These may sound unsophisticated and comprehensive but that is the Scriptural way to go!
If they will recommend these to their ministers within every spectrum of their leadership there will be a sudden real miraculous Christian experience again nationwide, in fact, there’s lack of space here to publish all the comprehensive approach to National Christian Revival!
Do I even qualify to advice Apostle Michael Nyamekye and his National Hierarchical Council?
This Article should be considered as a Cass Study for the global church!
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