NAT’L DEBATE: MP vrs REV. – Should Christians elect a Muslim President?

NAT’L DEBATE: MP vrs REV. – Should Christians elect a Muslim President?
Ghana has had only Christian Presidents since its independence and this is the first time a Muslim has come so close to break the records, this marks the 2024 election, religio-polical. That is how the renowned broadcaster, Paul Adom Otchere on Metro Tv, demystified Ghana’s upcoming elections. The host refered to his guest (Hon. Samuel Akyea) as a learned and minister of the Gospel and MP from the Eastern Region of Ghana. In validating the host’s assertion, the Honourable MP claimed on the popular TV programme, Good Evening Ghana.
One of Hon. MP Law. Samuel Akyea’s convincing statements
for choosing a Muslim over Christian in the upcoming elections in Ghana is that God used Pharoah and Cyrus for his own glory.
His claims as a ‘staunch Christian and minister of the Gospel’ yet has political preference for a Muslim President has however, generated controversies among Christians. And to defend the actual biblical principles for national governance, Rev. Emmanuel Boachie, Country Director for AWSOME BIBLE COLLEGE AND Headpastor SOULS’ PASTURE CHURCH Asuofua_ACHIASE A/R is setting the records straight from Christian perspective.
The Reverend Minister has asserted his disappointment in the MP’s public misrepresentation of the Christian body by Hon. Atta Akyea.
The Reverend Minister consideres every iota of that tv dialogue as public projection of Islam and a Muslim Presidential hopeful, at the detriment of the other Christian Presidential hopefuls, who are equally, if not more competent (by all standards) than the MP’s favourite within the same political party NPP. His demeanor and motif throughout the discussion were that it will be a disgusting taste to him, for Ghanaians to reelect another Christian president in the upcoming elections.
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie further on reiterated, the Honourable MP (the so called minister of the gospel) ignorantly, twisted the Holy Book (Isaiah. 45:1-4) to campaign for his favourite flagbearership aspirant on the ticket of NPP’s upcoming delegates conference’.
Hon. S Atta Akyea used Isaiah. 45:1-4 to state that God used Pharoah for His own glory’. The MP is ignorant of the fact that, that state was an irony of oxymoron, Pharoah was publicly contest God the Almighty, fighting divine propgecy and God’s children to core. And if Dr. Muhamadu Bawmiah pretotypes Pharoah, (as the the MP asserts) then, Ghanaian Christians should anticipate persecution (Nigerian Christians are underging) from his leadership as did Israel and Ghanaians will helplessly undergo all the 10 plagues of Egypt in the biblical episode, which will eventually culminate into the entire leadership of Bawmiah (Atta Akyea included) drawning in the Red Sea, wich may eventually lead to the temporary collapse of Ghana, as did Egypt.
Hon. S Atta Akyea the so called preacher is ignorant of the fact that God doesn’t use righteous leaders to punish His righteous people.
The MP stated, ‘Cyrus was used of God, though a pagan’. Historically Daniel had explained the same Scriptures (Isaiah. 45:1-4, quoted by the Hon. MP) to Cyrus and the same had come to believe in the God of Israel. Your Learned, please check your facts right.
The Honourable failed apreciate fact that every stage of national development, there will be a call for a unique and specific type of a leader. There is recent mass outcry of Ghanaians, frantically anticipating a goal getter, strong willed individual within all spectrum of business ideas (entrepreneurship to employment), social interventions and nationalist president, who will robustly transform Ghana from its current plight (importation to exportation) through the constitution and executive powers with benevolent considerations. And Bawmiah is not that type!
My article should be considered as biblical nationalist apologetics and polemics than a religio-polical, and even if it depicts that, Hon. MP Atta Ackyea blew the whistle.
Should Christians ignore their people, Bible and Christian values and vote for a Muslim?
Food for thought!
Isaiah. 45 has got nothing to do with choosing a president but Deuteronomy. 17:14-20 rather fits into this debate.
God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong, bold to defend forever, the course of freedom and of right, fill our hearts with truth humility make us cherish fearless honesty and help us to resist opressors’ rule with all our will and might forever more.
STAY TUNED for Part 2!
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I permit individual’s own Editorial Discretion.