20 useful shortcuts for chatting

20 useful shortcuts for chatting
Abbreviation or shortcuts can be used when feeling lazy or too busy to type. Yeah is very helpful many a times. Sometimes you may chat people who will use certain unfamiliar abbreviations which won’t be easy to breakdown. I have been in such a situation many a times. Sometimes too people who actually use it doesn’t really know what such abbreviations means. Ok , am here to help you.
Here are 20 abbreviations you can use when chatting:
1.BC – Because.
2.IDK – I don’t know.
3. FWIW- For what is worth.
4. ILY – I love you.
5.IRL – In my opinion.
6.LMK- let me know.
7.JK – Just kidding.
8.NBD- No big deal.
9.NP -No problem.
10.NVM- Never mind.
11.OMW-On my way.
12.ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing.
13.THX- Thanks.
14.TBH – To be honest.
15. TTYL- Talk to you later.
16. SMH -Shaking my head.
17.BRB- Be right back.
18. CMB- Call me back.
19.ASAP – As soon as possible.
20.FYI- For your information.
Actually these shortcuts are in capital letters to make it more clear, you can use lower case letters for it. Interesting fact is using capital letters through out your typing or message indicate yelling or shouting.The image above is a bonus to what is learnt here.
Ok thanks for your time, it is time for you to also show off with some shortcuts here. Enjoy your day.
Source: grammarly, disabledworld and English Club.