Ashanti region becoming a disaster hub worrying – NASACA

Ashanti region becoming a disaster hub worrying – NASACA
The safety advocacy group NASACA has observed with worry, the rate at which fire disaster torment the Garden City of West Africa and the entire region of Ashanti.
Leader of the outfit, Daniel Asuku was reacting to the death of a police officer together with his wife and kid in Kumasi, when he cried “the region in the year 2022, recorded not less than 656 fire disasters and some 90 cases within the first two weeks of 2023 already. That’s so scary”. He continued, “the region has always been part of three (3) leading ones to record more cases of road crash. It is also captured in flood cases.”
The safety advocate did not spare managers of the Kejetia Market regarding the news of a single electricity metre serving a wide range of shops.
He warned society against mess with safety and security.
Reach the safety advocate and president of NASACA on 0244 123 789