
Five fruits that you must eat every week

Five fruits that you must eat every week

Apples have multiple anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases like diabetes.

Five fruits that you must eat every week
The nutrients we get from the foods in our diet play key roles in both building and maintaining our immune system.

Fruits are one superfood we should definitely add to our daily diet. They are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which play an important role in our health. Consuming fruits daily can prove to have some amazing health benefits and keeps you away from unnecessary ailments. People who consume more fruit are usually at a reduced risk of stroke, heart attack, and cancer. Fruits are rich in fibre, and it helps to support our digestive health while controlling blood sugar. We need to know that there is nothing wrong with adding more fruit to our diet, but some of them are more beneficial than others. Let’s have a look at such fruits:

Bananas: Though individuals may stay away from bananas because of their sugar content, it is a known fact that bananas are very beneficial when it comes to easing our digestion and offering large amounts of potassium. Since they are naturally low in sodium and high in potassium, bananas can help to foster healthy blood pressure levels.

Apples: Apples have multiple anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer because of the polyphenolic compounds. It is also rich in soluble and insoluble fibre that supports gastrointestinal health.

Oranges: One orange serving provides our body with a whole day’s worth of vitamin C! Also rich in potassium, oranges are a refreshing, low-calorie fruit that you should include in your daily meal intake.

Prunes: Eating just five to six prunes provides us with three grams of fibre and is a big boost for our bone health. Research suggests that eating just five prunes a day is beneficial for older women with osteoporosis. Prunes have the ability to reduce the breakdown of bone, although the mechanism behind it is not known.

Avocado: Avocados are not sweet, but they are definitely a fruit that should be a part of our diet. While most fruits are rich in natural sugars, avocado is known for healthy fats and fibre as its key nutrients.

Filasco News

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