5 Natural Aphrodisiac Foods That Increase Libido

5 Natural Aphrodisiac Foods That Increase Libido
At a point in a person’s life, sex can be very crucial. It can either make or unmake your relationship or marriage. According to studies sex improves memory, sleep, mood, intimacy, good health, reduces stress, raises your endorphins levels which are responsible for your happiness, and what have you. Sex is not only meant for reproduction but to satisfy each other and find pleasure in it.
Libido also known as “sex drive” is described as a person’s desire to have or feel for sex. Libido helps you enjoy the pleasure of sex, so having low libido can be very frustrating in a person’s life because low libido means decreased sex drive.
Having low or high libido varies with both men and women and it’s also common from time to time. What might be the cause of your low libido may not be the cause for another person. Numerous conditions induce low libido, conversely high libido too.
Medical conditions, hormone levels, relationship problems, mental health, physical health, and stress, just to mention a few, can influence a person’s libido.
However, you should have it in mind that the foods you eat and medications you take can also influence your libido. Foods or medications that increase a person’s sex drive are termed “aphrodisiacs”. Foods fuels your body to perform well, but not all foods tho.
Moreover, some foods can go a long way for you, by boosting your libido and sex life, while other foods may not. The chances are, is either some foods suppress your libido or increase it. Whichever way it is there are ways you can increase your libido naturally.
You’ve been wondering how to improve your sex life or wanting to have a desire for sex( increasing your libido) but don’t know how? , worry no more. This article will help you. Below are 5 natural foods/aphrodisiacs that increase libido. At the end of this article, I will show you how to blend these foods as a drink to help increase your libido.
Aidan Fruit
Tetrapleura tetraptera is the scientific name for Aidan fruit, many people also refer to it as “miracle fruit”. It’s known for its distinctive smell and taste in food, which also help keeps insects at bay. Aidan fruits are known to Ghana, Yoruba, and Igbo as “precise”, “aridan”, and “osakrisa”, respectively. In some traditional homes, Aidan fruit is used as a spice, supplement, or medicine.
Benefits of Aidan fruit
1. Prevents fibroids
Aidan fruit is extremely successful at preventing, shrinking, and treating fibroids in women. Women who season their food with Aidan fruit are less likely to develop fibroids. Tetrapleura tetraptera can be used to shrink fibroids that have already formed.
2. Treats Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a neurological illness that affects the central nervous system and causes abdominal brain activity, which most often results in seizures and loss of awareness. Aidan fruit is a wonder plant. It is particularly used in the effective treatment of epilepsy, according to the findings of a study published in phytotherapy research.
3. Anti-aging properties
Those who want to stay young-looking, especially women, should make Aidan fruit their friend and use it to season their meals every time they cook. Polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids are antioxidants found in the pod that protects our bodies from free radicals and oxidative damage that causes aging.
4. Treats Erectile Dysfunction
Due to the presence of iron in Aidan fruit which is an important element that helps in the production of hemoglobin and also transports oxygen to various parts of the body. It equally boosts blood circulation to the male sex organ. The male penis needs proper blood flow to function properly and also helps with erection.
5. Improves Sperm Count
It helps in the production of healthy sex hormones. According to research, Aidan fruit contains zinc, and manganese- an important mineral that helps in the production of healthy sperm cells and boosts testosterone levels.
6. Acts As An Aphrodisiac( improves libido)
Aidan fruit induces libido and also cures vaginal dryness. It helps boosts ovulation and regulates the menstrual cycle as well. It can be boiled for drinking or used as a vaginal steam. Also boosts fertility in both men and women.
7. Helps With Convulsion
Myriads investigations have demonstrated that Aidan fruit extract has anti-convulsant qualities, which explains its inhibitory effects on the nervous system.
Are you tired of always having low libido? Having tried several meds but to no avail. Science advice to eat more carrots. They’ve long been recommended for male infertility in traditional medicine as well. This veggie may increase both sperm count and motility ( the movement and swimming of sperm) due to its carotenoid content. Now let’s delve into the benefits of carrots. Daucus carota is the scientific name for carrots
Benefits Of Carrots
1. Increases Sperm Count & Improves Sperm Health
The presence of antioxidants, vitamin E, and beta carotene in carrots helps to prevent sperm damage and boosts sperm health. The study suggests that men who regularly consume carrots can have more sperm and they are of good quality.
2. Helps Treat Erectile Dysfunction(ED)
Low levels of potassium and vitamin E are associated with erectile dysfunction. Constriction of blood vessels which hamper the smooth circulation of blood can also be one of the reasons behind this condition. A diet rich in potassium and vitamin E can help to supplement your diet with the essential mineral and vitamins- thereby reducing the effects of ED.
Antioxidants help slow down the aging process and this helps in age-related ED.
3. Keeps Diabetes In Check
The fiber content in carrots helps keep blood sugar levels under control. And they’re loaded with vitamins A, E, and beta carotene, which can help lower your diabetes risk.
4. Reduces Cancer
Carrots contain numerous phytochemicals that are well-studied for their anti-cancer properties. A few of those compounds are beta-carotene and other carotenoids. These compounds promote immunity and activate certain proteins that inhibit cancer cells. Research shows that the juice from carrots can combat leukemia as well.
5. The fiber content in carrots helps to maintain a healthy weight.
6. May support cholesterol balance and heart health.
Cucumbers are a powerhouse of nutrients. Loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, folate, etc which both play a role in supporting sexual health, elevating energy, and increasing libido. Vitamin C especially improves blood flow which can help with erectile dysfunction. Cucumbers contain a compound called L-citrulline, which has been linked (in a small 2011 study) to an improvement in erectile dysfunction symptoms in some men. They are also rich in vitamin A, which is important for your immune system as well as for the production of testosterone.
In just a single cup of cucumber slices, you’ll get 14% to 19% of the vitamin K you need for the day. You’ll also get vitamins B and C along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.
Benefits Of Cucumber
1. Treats Erectile Dysfunction
Cucumber is a good source of citrulline, which is linked to blood vessel dilation and can improve blood flow. Some experts say that citrulline in cucumber can be as effective as taking ED medication. Cucumbers and watermelons offer the same benefits. Citrulline found in cucumber can help combat ED; citrulline in the body is converted into arginine, which then transforms into nitric oxide. This nitric oxide helps in relaxing the blood vessels and enhancing blood flow, hence improving erections.
2. Keeps You Hydrated
As a human, it’s imperative to stay hydrated always. Cucumber contains 98% of water, hence it promotes hydration. Stressful exercises can drain your body of fluids but know that you need fluids to perform excellently. Since 90% of our blood contains water, staying hydrated helps circulation, by improving blood flow throughout the body. Adding cucumber to your diet can also help achieve that.
3. Aid in weight loss
4. May lower blood sugar
5. May increase your libido
6. Regulates digestion
7. They fill you up
Lime is a common food commodity found mostly in homes. It’s mostly used to prevent body odor by smearing it under one’s armpit before bathing. Aside from its general use of preventing body odor, it also has essential benefits for your health. It’s sometimes used to supplement dishes, by squeezing a little bit of the lime on foods, adding to smoothies, and what have you. Lime is high in vitamin C which is also beneficial to one’s health.
Benefits Of Lime
1. Good for Heart Health
Magnesium and potassium found in lime promote heart health. Potassium can naturally lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation, which reduces your risk of a heart attack and stroke.
2. Reduces Inflammation
Antioxidants found in lime have been shown to help reduce inflammation and even prevent certain chronic illnesses. The high levels of vitamin C found in lime can protect you from infections and also speeds up your body’s healing process. Citrus fruits have been shown to help keep kidney stones at bay.
3. Facilitates Iron Absorption
Both the citric acid and vitamin C found in lime and lemon increases your body’s absorption of non-heme iron- the iron found in plant-based foods. Iron is critical for maintaining the level of your sexual arousal. It can be found in red meat, egg yolk, green vegetables, and dry fruits. “Anaemia could be one of the causes for lack of sexual desire and also the quality of erection. Iron deficiency could also contribute to erectile dysfunction,” adds Dr. Kothari.
4. Prevents kidney stones
5. Improves immunity
6. Promotes healthy skin
The sweetness and stretchiness of it until the tiny string finally breaks is something everyone loves about honey.
Benefits Of Honey
1. According to the USDA’s food Data Central, honey is a source of potassium, a nutrient considered essential to sexual health. Honey is also a source of zinc, iron, and folate, all of which contribute to a healthy sex life.
2. It Get’s You In The Mood
Did you know honey can get you in the mood? Although most people don’t realize it, this is probably because it contains about 2% of the vitamins and minerals essential to sexual health. That may not sound like much, but much of honey nutrition includes some key nutrition for libido.
3. Can Treat ED
One of the key components in honey is boron, a nutrient believed to regulate hormones. Some nutritional authorities believe that boron may be able to treat erectile dysfunction. One 2005 study showed that just a week of boron supplement can result in increasing free testosterone levels by 25%. Two tablespoons of honey a day increases your nitric oxide levels which helps improve erections.
3. Improves Immunity
Studies indicate that raw honey contains lots of phytonutrients that stimulate antibody production, thus acting as an immune booster.
4. Beneficial For Cough And Sore Throat
For years, honey is known to have antibacterial properties. Studies show that unprocessed, pure honey is three times more effective in killing bacteria than processed honey. Because of its sticky nature, it coats the throat and triggers nerves that reduce sensitivity to cough impulses.
5. Fights Pimples
Acne is caused mainly by oil, dirt, and bacteria buildup. Honey, being an antibacterial, helps to kill bacteria. Plus, it also helps to soothe inflammation of the affected area and manages blemishes caused by acne.
6. Helps To Treat Wounds And Burns
For a long time, honey was used for healing burns and wounds. Because of its anti-inflammatory property, it soothes the burning sensation and speeds up the healing process. Studies have shown that 1st and 2nd-degree burns can be effectively treated with honey. It also prevents infections because of its antibacterial properties.
7. Induces Sleep
A glass of milk mixed with honey is a well-known remedy for better sleep. Studies have shown that honey has sleep-inducing properties and facilitates the action of tryptophan in milk, helping people to sleep.
How to prepare libido drink
1. Chop the pods of the Aidan fruit and infuse it in hot water, bring the water to a boil for about 5mins. Turn the heat off and let it cool.
2. In your blender add the cucumber, and chopped carrots, squeeze a little of the lime juice, and then add the Aidan fruit extract and mix.
3. Now strain the mixture and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
Your drink is ready to consume.