CAGD launches 3 documents to strengthen work culture
The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has launched three new documents to help the Department to improve its work culture and strengthen corporate character to enable it deliver on its mandate efficiently and effectively.
The documents which was launched at the end of the two-day annual conference of the CAGD in KwahuNkwatia over the weekend, included an operational manual, welfare health scheme fund and a bank account management operational manual for covered entities.
The conference which was on the theme: ‘Building A Sustainable Economy: ‘The Role of the Public Sector Accountant’ brought together a total of about 500 delegates from the Heads of Account at the various ministries, Department and Agencies, Regional Directors of CAGD, Regional Coordinating Council,Municipal and District Assemblies, among others.
The participants met to deliberate on ways on how public sector Accountants could contribute to achieving a sustainable economy, assess performance of the CAGD in the previous year and seek stakeholders’ ideas on how to improve its operations.
Launching the documents, the Controller and Accountant-General, MrKwasiKwaningBosompem, said the documents were launched in line with a vision of the Department of constantly seeking ways to improve the delivery of Financial Management Services to the government and to the general public.
Dr Awal (left), Nana Kwasi Agyekum-Dwamena (third from right) and other dignitaries launching the document

He explained that with the bank account management operational for covered entities, the government implemented policies and programmes through covered entities headed by principal spending officers who were responsible for managing public funds.
He said the principal spending officers were enjoined by section 7(1) (a) of Public Financial Management (PFM) Act 2016 (Act 921) ensure the regularity and proper use of money appropriated to their covered entities, and also manage the resources received, held or disposed of by the covered entities.
Mr Bosompem continued that in line with best practices, covered entities were to operate bank accounts from which deposits and disbursements were to be made respectively.
He added that the document highlighted related policies and the business for managing bank accounts to promote compliance with the law and improving Public Financial Management.
Speaking on the CAGD operational manual, the Accountant-General said the document was inspired by the organogramme of the CAGD and key activities for the various operational areas structured according to organogramme.
He indicated that the department was headed by the Controller and Accountant General assisted by deputy controllers and accountant generals responsible for Finance and Administration, Treasury, Audit and Investigation, Financial Management Services, Information Communication Technology, Management and Government Payroll Management.
For his part, the Special Advisor to the President, MrYaw OsaafoMarfo, during the closing ceremony, stated that the CAGD since its re-christening from Treasury in 1937 had played significant role in the economic management of the country.
He said the CAGD had led the implementation of key government interventions to cracking down on wasteful public spending and financial management malpractices.
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