How long should a MAN stay: If you can’t reach this TIME…please go for help immediately

How long should a MAN stay: If you can’t reach this TIME…please go for help immediately
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Do you realize that many people nowadays don’t stay long during intercourse? Erectile dysfunction is a prevalent issue that affects many people.
However, there is a normal or typical duration a guy should stay before being discharged, and he should seek medical assistance immediately if he does not.
In this article, we will look at the average time that men are anticipated to stay during intercourse in accordance with a published on “Menshealth.”
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Recently, 500 couples were given stopwatches to see how long they could stay during intercourse. However, the entire median time for almost four weeks of intercourse sessions was 5.4 minutes.
This is the average time that experts came up with after studying 500 couples. If you are unable to wait until this time, please make every effort to see your doctor for a prescription and follow up as soon as possible.