Economic Crises: No listening President with good counselors around him will go into the state coffers to fund National Cathedral – Pastor Boachie

Economic Crises: No listening President with good counselors around him will go into the state coffers to fund National Cathedral – Pastor Boachie
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The Country Director AWSOME BIBLE COLLEGE and Head Pastor, SOULS’ PASTURE CHURCH (Kumasi, Asuofua-ACHIASE), Pastor Emmanuel Boakye has stated that, no listening President with good counselors around him will go into the state coffers in this state of economic crises to fund the National Cathedral project.
He said, the Nation Cathedral is ‘Anti-Thetical comparison with Israel’s Temples’.
Read his full statement below:
Psalm. 127:1.
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain, unless the Lord watches the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
In constructing Israel’s Temples, there are spiritual and physical architecdual patterns and religiousness, which must be carried out meticulously by the visionary and his builders in order for the building to merit the sacred status of Divine Habitation. Below are some requirements:
1. God must be the originator (prophecy) of temple’s vision: Deuteronomy. 12:10-14/ 1Chr. 28:19.
2. To be devoid of human pride and ego, even genuine personal desire, vow, promise etc. 1Chr. 28:2.
3. When the Lord had fully established Davi’s kingdom.
4. The visionary must have a clean hands: 1Chr. 28:3.
5. The Temple must strictly and exclusively serve God’s purpose: 1Chr. 29:1.
1. He sought the counsel of God from a genuine prophet of God, Nathan.
2. Built at the time of national golden age.
3. The people willingly gave beyond Moses’ expectation.
The Temple must be restricted to a specific geographical location. 2Chr. 3:1.
4. Sambalaths and Tobias were exposing it but Muslims (Chief Imam and Muhamadu Bawmia Vice President) support it.
5. Jerusalem was the capital but Akofo Addo’s government voted against it.
5. The Architect was not an activist of LGBTQ+ rights.
6. Was built 480 years after slavery (Independence).
7. Ministers in-charge: Highpriest, priests and the Livites.
8. Non-interdenominational nor inter-religious.
9. Neighbouring countries applauded it and contributed massively toward it.
10. At its dedication the President will pray to God for fire to come down from heaven as Solomon did.
11. David and his leaders were the greatest contributor toward the building: 1Chr. 29:3-9.
12. Magnificent, famous and glorious throughout the world. 1Chr. 22:5.
13. A man of peace with clean hands. 1Chr. 22:8-9.
14. It took about 30 and 50 years respectively to complete it.
15. It took 2 regimes to complete it.
16. The regime that builds the Temple must never leave office. 1Chr. 22:10.
17. Temple was built for a theoretic nation.
If a nation with the population of 71 % being Christians are irresponsive to a presidential call for support toward their national central cathedral, no listening president with good counselors around him will go into the state coffers at the state of economic asastronomical crises to fund such project.
Nana Addo Dankwa Akofo Addo, might have not been spiritually brought up well, at his early age, when his contemporaries were developing their spirituality he might have been opting for football instead of Catechism / Sunday School, nighlife instead of watch night services, holidays pleasures instead of camp meetings. During his 2016 campaign he stated he was a sports guy_ chasing ‘zongo girls’, meaning, he was not a temple guy! He has never referred to any point in time he ever encountered God in his life! Consequently, natural man follows his instincts, heart, ego and his Scriptures and Holy Spirit become religious mules (The Board of Trustees), so he is deceived, that is why he can not imitate David and let alone Solomon, regarding the bundling of the so called National Central Cathedral.
The original root meaning of Cathedral is the “seat of ‘Teaching of the SCRIPTURES’ (the stony seat of Moses): eg. Catechism, Catichist etc., where Christ, Scriptures, Gospel and the fear of God will be taught, relatively, any other reasons outside these turn the National Cathedral into a national religious medium, managed by tour guides_’sophisticated clergymen’. That fulfils the Scriptures, ‘turning the house of God into a den of thieves (Commercialization of the Gospel of Christ).
The best way forNana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo to fulfil his promise to God is this, he should look for a nice piece of land in Accra or his home town and build on it a decent Presidential Anglican Cathedral, where presidents, cabinet member, parliamentarians, adjudicators, political party leaders, civil leaders, traditional leaders, contractor, sadducees and pharisee, median, celebrities and Necodemusees at national level may go for confession and penance.
I could only be proved wrong by the board of trustees, the president anybody who supports the building by its dedication ceremony, if the glory of God visibly appears to fill the Cathedral like Moses’ Tabernacle, Somonic Temple and The uper-room experience.
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain, unless the Lord watches the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
Country Director AWSOME BIBLE COLLEGE and Head Pastor, SOULS’ PASTURE CHURCH (Kumasi, Asuofua-ACHIASE.
Call him on the number below:
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie.
+233 (0) 240375959.
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