Woman dies after a Gynaecologist cuts her interstine during birth
A woman dies when a gynecologist cuts her intestines by accident while she is giving birth.
A gynecologist is being criticized because a woman died after an alleged mistake during an operation.
It was said that Dr. Felix Simango accidentally cut the intestines of the late Kudzai Gweme when she was giving birth at CBD Specialist Hospital and Maternity through a C-section.
Kudzai, who was 34 years old, was buried in Domboshava on Unity Day.
After Kudzai’s stomach grew, a second surgery showed that Dr. Simango had cut part of her intestines by accident.
Kudzai was sent to the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for more care, but she died before a third surgery could be done.
Kudzai’s husband, David Mverechena, told H-Metro that one of his relatives, Jacob Ngarivhume, attacked Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals over his wife’s death without knowing all the facts.
David said, “Dr. Simango’s carelessness has made it hard for me to get over the death of my wife.”
“I was there with him and another doctor when they did a second surgery to figure out what was causing the infection that was making her stomach swell.
“They found that some of the intestines had been cut, and Dr. Simango said he was sorry.
“We were sent to Parirenyatwa for more care, but my wife died before a third surgery could be done.
“We don’t blame CBD Specialist Hospital or the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. Instead, we blame Dr. Simango for not doing his job.”
Dr. Simango told H-Metro that the matter was too sensitive for him to say anything.
“I know about what happened to Kudzai Gweme, but I can’t really say anything about it because it’s too sensitive and because of my job,” Dr. Simango said.
But Ngarivhume said that Parirenyatwa Hospital was careless and that’s why his family member died.
“I was helping my sister take care of her daughter, and she died after having a C-section in Pari to give birth to her third child.
“It was a mistake on the part of the doctors to cut her intestines. Then she got sick with an infection. They gave her a second surgery to fix the mistake, but it didn’t work.
“A third surgery was supposed to clean her up, but she had a heart attack and died,” Ngarivhume wrote on Twitter.
In a statement, Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals denied the claims, saying that the operation happened at a private hospital and that the patient was only sent to them for further care.
“We would like to set the record straight by saying that this patient was not operated on at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, but at one of the private health care facilities,” the statement says, denying some media reports that quoted Ngarivhume.
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By Frank Aboagye Jackson