
These Diseases can kill you within 24 hours, be aware this disease can be found anywhere

These Diseases can kill you within 24 hours, be aware this disease can be found anywhere

1. Meningitis

Meningitis is often caused by a bacterial or infection-like disease, and it is an infection of the body’s protective layers, which, surprisingly, include the brain and spinal cord.

It happens most often in babies, young children, teens, and new adults. It could cause dangerous vein damage (septicemia) and, surprisingly, could kill soon, according to First Support for Life.

2. Drag eating bug

This bacterial skin disease is often called “necrotizing fasciitis,” and it quickly spreads from the body’s soft muscles. It can kill you in 30 out of every 40% of conditions.

It is sometimes thought that removing the affected part of the body will stop the infection from spreading.

3. Stroke

Another stroke happens when blood flow to a part of the brain is blocked, causing brain tissue to be damaged by air from the outside. It usually happens when another blood vessel bursts or when a clot blocks a blood vessel.

Depending on how bad the stroke is, it is possible to get better, but if you have another big stroke in two hours, you could die.


Cholera is definitely a serious diarrheal illness that can kill in a few hours if it is not treated. It is brought on by eating or drinking something that has been spoiled.

Cholera is still a worldwide threat to public health and is thought to kill between 21,000 and 143,000 people around the world every year.

5. Pneumonic difficulty

Most cases of the plague are caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which comes from rodents and is spread to people by insects. If left untreated, pneumonic plague could kill in 18 to 24 hours, but well-known anti-infection drugs can kill it right away.

As to pain, include respiratory side effects like shortness of breath and coughing, most of the time with bloody sputum.

6. Ebola

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease that, in most cases, causes organs and other body openings to leak blood. Several places in Africa have had cases of Ebola.

The number of known deaths from Ebola ranges from 50 to 90%. Patients can die in just a few hours after their own side effects start to show up.

8. Dengue fever with blood loss

Dengue is another virus that is spread by mosquitoes and causes a mild flu-like illness. It can then change into another kind that could be dangerous.

This type of hemorrhage can kill platelets in the veins. Without platelets to clot the blood, internal blood loss sends the body into shock, causing the person to die very quickly.


Filasco News

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