Stomach cancer kills fast : Avoid too much intake of these 3 things if you want to live long

Stomach cancer kills fast : Avoid too much intake of these 3 things if you want to live long
The digestive system is located in the stomach, a muscular pouch in the upper abdominal area directly under the rib cage.
Since it is in our stomachs that we digest and store the food we consume, they are vital organs. Also, it helps break down food so that it can be used for energy.
The development of stomach cancer begins with the unchecked proliferation of stomach cells. Cancer of the stomach, or gastric cancer, can form in any of the stomach’s linings. If not caught and treated quickly, stomach cancer can be fatal.
To put it another way: some things raise the risk of getting stomach cancer. Some of the risk factors for developing stomach polyps include being overweight, eating a diet high in salty and smoked foods and low in fruits and vegetables, being infected with Helicobacter pylori, smoking, and so on.
When do people typically begin experiencing symptoms of stomach cancer?
Possible symptoms of stomach cancer include:
I’m finding it hard to swallow because my stomach feels full and acidic.
Symptoms associated with digestive distress.
One feels sick to one’s stomach.
experience abdominal discomfort
a satiety that doesn’t dissipate even after you’ve stopped eating.
Loss of weight that wasn’t actively sought.
Spit up caused by an involuntary gag reflex.
Overconsumption of certain foods and beverages has been linked to an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. Here are just a few examples:
The Number One Offender: Smoking
It has been shown that cigarette smoking can cause esophageal cancer. Cancer of the stomach, especially the part of the stomach above the esophagus, is more likely to develop in smokers. Moreover, studies have shown that smokers have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer.
Saltiness that is way too high
Excessive ingestion of salt, a hypertonic solvent, can irritate the stomach lining. Inflammation of the stomach lining, which can progress to cancer, has been linked to a high-sodium diet. In addition, studies have shown that people who consume a lot of salt are more likely to develop stomach cancer.
Consuming Liquids
Alcohol contains ethanol, which is toxic in high doses. The risk of stomach cancer is higher in men who drink to excess, according to research.
There is a correlation between alcohol consumption and the development of stomach cancer; therefore, abstaining from alcohol is recommended. Do not overdo it on the booze, as this can cause serious problems with your internal organs.