
Boil cassava leaves with salt and garlic to treat this health problem completely

Boil cassava leaves with salt and garlic to treat this health problem completely

Cassava Leaf is a vegetable that is high in calories and has a lot of sugar as well as important vitamins and minerals. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.

The leaves are also pretty if you cook them or let them dry out in the sun. It has a good amount of fiber, which helps probiotic bacteria grow and, in turn, boosts our immune system. Fiber also makes it easier to stop up.

Many people are wondering if cassava leaves are good for pregnant women. My answer is that really, cassava leaves are good for women who are pregnant.

Since cassava leaves are high enough in iron to give pregnant women a choice, they can avoid birth problems like paleness.

Here are some of the many other great things about eating cassava leaves.

1. Works amazingly well to treat fever and headaches

Give three pieces of finely ground cassava leaves, boil them in two cups of water, strain out the foam, and drink it over the course of three days.

2. To get rid of diarrhea

To treat detachment of the entrails, get 7 cassava leaves and soak them in 4 cups of water until the extra 2 cups of water rises to the surface. Strain the water, and twice a day, drink the mixture.

3. For fuzzy vision, see

For darkened vision? Treats that taste like cassava leaves. Warm the cassava leaves with salt and garlic to do this.

4. Make you hungry

If you are having trouble eating, try cassava leaves that have been soaked in salt and garlic. Eat cassava leaves with rice and tomato paste by then.

Even though cassava leaves are often used as medicine, other parts of the plant, like tubers and stems, can also be used in the same way. In the same way, they can be used for people who are sick.

5. How to Treat Arthritis

Bone health was worth the amino-destructive substance in cassava. The ingredients are 100 grams of cassava stem, one stem of lemongrass, 15 grams of ginger, and 1000 cc of water that has been heated until the extra 400 cc. Isolated water to drink up to 200 cc twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

6. How to Treat Worms

Take enough cassava bark, put it in 3 cups of water, and let it rise until it fills 1 cup. Then, filter the water and drink it at rest time. Again, if you take this cassava medicine, it can kill worms in your stomach and make your body stronger.

7. Injury is easy to get Heat

Don’t get cold if hot oil or exhaust has hurt your skin. Take the cassava, which has already been destroyed, and crush the juice.

Take two or three seconds to look like starch (like white flour) at the bottom. Use some of the starch that settles on the wound to help it heal.

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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