Farmer burnt to death in a house fire at Akyem Asuboa

Farmer burnt to death in a house fire at Akyem Asuboa
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A farmer believed to be in his 70’s has been burnt to death whiles sleeping in his room at Akyem Asuboa community in Asene- Akroso- Manso District in Eastern region.
The fire outbreak occured at about midnight on Tuesday.
The assembly member for Asuboa Salam Electoral Area , Andrews Sir Doe explained that, the man was sleeping in his room when the fire outbreak occured.
He said a family of four in nearby rooms were however rescued by residents and Fire personnel who rushed to the scene.
The charred body of the victim wrapped in polythen has been taken to the morgue for preservation pending further investigation into the cause of the fire.
According to the Ghana National Fire Service ,279 fire outbreaks were recorded within the first quarter of the year. The figure comprised of 167 bushfire outbreaks and 112 domestic fire incidents.
Domestic and bushfires are likely to increase as Ghana enters the dry harmattan season.
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