US Ambassador to Ghana exhibits JEZEBELIAN characteristics – Rev. Emmanuel Boachie.

US Ambassador to Ghana exhibits JEZEBELIAN characteristics – Rev. Emmanuel Boachie.
Dead bodies of 27 people who died on their way to SA dumped by the roadside
Jezebel exported her Sidonian values to Israel by stepping undertoot the nation’s constitution, whereas the weak king, Ahab was sitting down helpeless like our government.
H E Virginia Palmer E Palmer is a dishonest Individual to represents a nation (USA) claims to respect constitutional rule of every nation. Her appointment should be cancelled with immediate effect, if our government respects our constitution and thinks about Ghanaian child.
LGBTQ is frowned upon by, our national cultural values and constitution. Virginia E Palmer should respect and accept that.
LGBTQ+ activists say, ‘any form of medical treatment towards their group’s sexual inclination is violent and inhuman’.
I don’t know whether she is ignorantly or dishonestly now affirming that LGBTQ+ is a biological disorder and should be treated as HIV and MONKYPOX are being treated madically.
If LGBTQ+ is a disease as she is camparing, then it should be treated but not condoned in Ghana.
As a family woman she is, she should encourage her children and family to befriend and invite LGBTQ+ people to her home and live with them. Shame on her! If she was sent to Ghana to change our national cultural values of which sexual sanity and purity are part, then, H E VIRGINIA PALMER should be bold enough to extend to all the Islamic Nations and Communist Nations and sit on their media stations to propagate this agenda and whether she will remain in her ambassadorial office there.
Moreover, Joy FM is a disappointment for its unethical and non-patriotic posture of late, their station is subtlely becoming a channel for LGBTQ+.
Our government has become an aged grandfather-dog. That’s why an American Deplomat can sit on our national radio station and with impunity challenge our constitution (homosexuality is an act of crime) and there is no authority to caution or put her in order, a behaviour intolerable in America, Communist Countries and Arabic Nations. Shame on our weak leaders.
She is comparing HIV and MONKEYPOX with LGBTQ+. Someone should tell H E Virginia Palmer that, her comparison is week, senseless and hishonest. Monkeypox and HIV are diseases which have medical remedies.
Professor Akwasi Osei, Executive Officer of Ghana Mental Health Authority, has stated that LGBTQ+ is a medical issue and he defined it as biological disorder for any society.
Virginia Palmer is not a medical professional and if she is, she is not more knowledgeable than Professor Akwasi Osei in the medical fields. So she can not reschool our nation.
Our professionals don’t only associate LBTQ+ with deases but ultimately they consider it as crime, such as: murder, robbery, rape, insurrection, treason, fraud, etc.
Our national leadership behave like cats, they only prey on small animals. People who should put H E Virginia Palmer_ USA AMBASSADOR in order are: President
Cabinet Members, Parliamentarians, Judiciary, Journalists, , Traditional Leaders, Civil Societies, Patriotic groups, etc..
Psalm 11:3
[3]When the foundations are being destroyed,what can the righteous do?”
God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong, bold to defend forever the course of freedom and right.
NKJV. 1Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites.
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie (COUNTRY DIRECTOR,
IAMCCBC_ Int. Awsome Ministerial Council of Churches and Bible Colleges_ GHANA CHAPLAINCY).
+233 (0) 240 37 59 59.
14 persons, 22 Cows die in auto crash on Kebbi road, others seriously injured(PHOTOS)