NDC needs a decisive, proactive and forthright national chairman in the person of Asiedu Nketiah – Petter Aboagye

NDC needs a decisive, proactive and forthright national chairman in the person of Asiedu Nketiah – Petter Aboagye
As a Political party that seeks to capture Political Power in 2024 , agenda 2024 could become easily achievable if the delegates elect Decisive,Proactive and forthright National Chairman who’s hungry to preside over the Party machinery to secure victory in Elections 2024 .
Admittedly ,it would be erroneous for me to assume that one person can secure victory for the party in Elections 2024 . Yes I agree that what NDC need is the Collective will of All to secure Power but not an uncordinated individual skills and brilliance .
Nonetheless the party constitution places a major responsibility on the shoulders of the National Chairman to preside over ,Congress ,NEC & FEC
Firstly ,article 25 (1) & (4) stipulates that :- (1) The National Chairman shall preside at the National Congress and at Each National Executive Committee Meeting and .(4)At any other time the Chairman of the Party is the Leader.
Equally article 20 (2) of the party constitution stipulates that ..The National Congress is the highest Decision making body of the Party , Also clauses
(6)b, (6)d, and (6)h of the same article 20 further states among others that the congress shall ..(6b) approve the annual report and Policy Recommendations Proposed by by the National Executive Committee; (6d) consider proposals for constitutional reform or for the reform of the standing orders ; and (6h) generally perform Policy oversight functions for the party.
Aside article 22 talks about National Executive Committee (NEC ) which the National Chairman also chairs . Specifically , clauses 9a ,9c 9d & 9i among others highlights some of the specific functions of the National Executive Committee :-…. (a) ensure that the Policies and Programs of the Party adopted by the National Congress are carried Out; and
(c) Prepare and Approve the Manifesto of the Party in time for any general elections , (d) vet candidates to be elected at Constituency level to contest seats for Parliament; and (i) approve applications for modification of the rules of procedure or structure received from the other Party structures particularly at the Branch and Constituency levels; if the modifications comply with the spirit of the Constitution;
Comrades should take note of article 22 clause (11) which states that ..A meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be convened by the General Secretay on the direction of the National Chairman or upon the written request of at least one-third of the members of the National Executive Committee (NEC).
Ladies and gentlemen ,for the Party to have smooth administration and as living Organization ,the framers of the NDC Constitution created another structure by name Functional Executive Committee under article 23. Specifically, article 23(1) & (4) state the composition and function of FEC :-, (1)There shall be a Functional Executive Committee, membership of which shall be drawn from the National Executive Committee (NEC ), and (4) The Functional Executive Committee is responsible for the overall adminstration of the affairs of the Party in between National Executive Committee Meetings.
The above Constitutional provisions of the Party places a lot of responsibility on the National Chairman to be able to chair or direct the affairs of these structures which has to mandate to directs the electoral fortunes of the Party.
And it takes a Decisive , Proactive and forthright Chairman and Leader of the Party who would lead to bring about radical changes and reforms for us to outsmart our opponents in any Elections.
Hon Johnson Asiedu Nketiah has demonstrated time without number over the years that he’s Decisive, Proactive and Forthright.
He’s also fearless and courageous leader who’s able to read the game Plan of the UP/NPP. When elected as National Chairman ,he would preside over Congress, NEC and FEC to become more result oriented , proactive instead of the reactive posture of the party over the years ; and to see to the smooth implementation of Elections wining Strategies and Decisions.
On the 17th of December ,dear delegates from the 275 Constituencies in Ghana ,let’s salvage the Party.
Let’s entrust the Chairmanship of the Party into Chairman General Johnson Asiedu Nketiah.
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Crd Peter Aboagye
aka Sir Piero