
What to do Incase of severe Chest Pain? top health expert recommends this | VIDEO

What to do Incase of severe Chest Pain? top health expert recommends this | VIDEO

The Max Hospital in Gurugram’s Senior Director and Head of the Cardiology and Cardiac Sciences Department lists five medications that can be used.

What to do in case of severe chest pain? top health expert recommends this

Numerous factors, including heart-related issues, can contribute to chest pain. It is wise to keep an eye out for these symptoms and be ready for any unforeseen event. The Max Hospital in Gurugram’s Senior Director and Head of the Cardiology and Cardiac Sciences Department lists five medications that can be used to handle severe chest pain.

Dr. Arvind M. Das suggested keeping Ecosprin, Clopidogrel, Statin, Antacid, and Sorbitrate in the home, workplace, and vehicle as well. According to Dr. Das, these blood-thinning medications can be very beneficial in providing relief from frightful chest pain.

Dr. Arvind M. Das added that these medications should be taken simultaneously and that patients should then seek care from a nearby hospital as soon as possible. Heart-related illnesses have increased in prevalence in India over recent years. There are other subtle signs besides severe chest pain that can help in early heart problem detection.

1. Visibly swollen feet – Without any apparent cause, your shoes may feel tight or your feet may feel painful and swollen. Possible symptoms include a sudden increase in weight in the legs, ankles, and feet. Blood flow from the heart can be slowed down by heart disease, which leads to fluid buildup in the body tissue of the legs.

2. Pain that is not chest pain: Referred pain, which can happen when powerful pain signals run along the nerves and overpower nearby nerves, can cause distress to be felt elsewhere. Heart issues can also cause pain to radiate to the shoulders, arms, elbows, jaw, or neck.

3. Unpredictable dizziness or fainting spells may indicate conditions such as an irregular heartbeat or even a heart attack, both of which can result in decreased blood flow to the brain.

4. Loss of memory: Heart issues can constrain blood flow to the brain, causing problems like memory loss. If you encounter any of these symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible.

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(Disclaimer: This article is meant to be informative. Kindly, always consult a doctor.)

Filasco News

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