6 foods that may help lower your cancer risk

6 foods that may help lower your cancer risk
Cancer, foods to avoid cancer, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, green tea, bitter gourd,
Right changes in diet can help reduce not only inflammation in the body but also the risk of cancer.
In today’s time, due to changing lifestyles and wrong eating habits, the risk of fatal diseases such as cancer has increased a lot. This disease can be avoided by taking care of food and drink.
There are many foods that act as a natural anti-inflammatories in the body. Changes in diet can help reduce not only inflammation in the body but also the risk of cancer. Today, we will tell you what things should be included in the diet to reduce the risk of cancer. By consuming these things, you will stay away from any deadly disease.
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Know what things should be included in the diet to reduce the risk of cancer:
Bitter gourd- Bitter gourd is very beneficial for health. It has been claimed in many types of research that bitter gourd is helpful in preventing cancer cells from growing in the body. To avoid cancer, include bitter gourd in the diet.
Lotus Cucumber- Lotus cucumber is full of nutrition. Consuming lotus cucumber reduces the risk of cancer significantly. Consuming lotus cucumber also keeps the weight under control.
Green tea- Green tea is very beneficial for health. According to many researchers, consuming green tea daily reduces the risk of breast cancer. Green tea is also used to reduce weight.
Pomegranate- Pomegranates should be consumed daily to stay healthy and fit. Consuming pomegranate is very beneficial for health. According to research, consuming pomegranates reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Dragon fruit- Vitamin C and carotene are found in large quantities in dragon fruit, which is helpful in reducing the risk of tumors. According to research, eating the red part of dragon fruit reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Turmeric- Turmeric is full of medicinal properties. Consuming turmeric reduces the risk of cancer. Consumption of turmeric is very beneficial for health. Daily consumption of turmeric is very beneficial for health.
(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general assumptions and information. Filasconews.com does not confirm this.)