
Why you’re not losing weight

Why you’re not losing weight

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For several people, particularly women, there is always that desire to lose weight, become more shapely and generally appealing. For those whose schedule would permit, they register in nearby gyms and engage in regular exercise which may include jogging and aerobic dancing. In a number of cases, the results achieved may not reflect the effort put in. What could be reason? Read on…

Your sleep schedule is off

If you get more than nine hours of sleep a night, you may be the envy of your friends, but too much or too little sleep – less than five hours a night – can be linked to weight gain. Both can throw off the way your body makes the hormones that control your appetite and hunger. And if you don’t feel rested, you may skip your workouts, too.

You don’t drink enough water

Between two and six cups of clear, plain water each day can help you lose extra pounds. Water has no calories at all, so it satisfies your thirst without adding weight. And when you drink enough water, you may be less likely to grab sodas, juices, or coffee drinks packed with sugar. High calories in sweet drinks can add up to a big weight gain.

You wait too long to eat

When you space out your meals too much, your metabolism slows down and isn’t able to burn off all the calories you eat in your next meal. Those extra calories may wind up as extra weight. And you may overeat because you’re too hungry. Try eating smaller portions, and eat more often.

You eat out too often

OK, you hate to cook. But if you eat most of your meals at restaurants, it may be harder to keep your weight under control. Even so-called light dishes may have more calories than you realize. And we’re not just talking about dinner, either. People who eat lunch out daily can weigh up to five pounds more than those who brown-bag it.

You sit all day

Your desk job or TV obsession may make it harder for you to drop those pesky pounds. When you sit most of the time, your body can lose its ability to know when you’ve eaten too much — you can overeat and gain weight. Even brief exercise breaks during the day can help you stay healthy. Get up for three 10-minute walks around meetings or your favourite shows.

You reward workouts with food

Exercise is a great way to lose weight – it burns calories and builds muscle mass. But if you indulge in a big dinner or smoothie after every workout, you can ruin all that sweaty work. Watch out for high-sugar sports drinks and protein bars, too. While they can help quench your thirst or give you an energy boost post-workout, they can be very high in calories.

You overdo the alcohol

Whether you like wine, beer, or mixed drinks, alcohol has calories that add to your daily amount. If you often have three or more drinks a day, you’re more likely to gain weight or be overweight, no matter what type of alcohol you drink. Stick to light or moderate drinking, like one glass of wine with dinner. That may actually help keep you from gaining weight.

Man drinking bottle water

Stress gives you snack attacks

If you feel tense, you’re more likely to reach for unhealthy, high-calorie treats for a quick comfort fix. You may eat when you don’t really need food.

You make quick food decisions

It’s worth your time to plan out your meals and healthy snacks so you’re not tempted to grab something on the go. Even if you get enough activity, you can gain an extra pound or two if you tend to eat fast food or sugary snacks or sodas. Your body doesn’t seem to treat these calories the same as energy you get from healthy foods — it breaks them down too quickly. They’re also low in fibre, so you don’t feel full afterwards and you’re likely to eat or drink more.

Your thyroid is sluggish

If this tiny gland in the front of your throat lags on the job, you could gain as much as five to 10 extra pounds. Your thyroid makes hormones that control your energy level and how your body breaks down food. If you don’t make enough of them, it can be hard to shed pounds. You may also feel bloated because your body holds on to too much water and salt. If you think you might have a thyroid problem, talk with your doctor. Medication can help.

You’re pregnant

Healthy weight gain during your pregnancy is a good thing. If you’re at an average weight before you get pregnant, it’s good to gain 25 to 35 pounds. Go for whole foods like fruits, veggies, grains, and proteins that nourish you and your baby.

Your medication

Some drugs you take for health problems could make you gain a little weight. For example, steroids can change your metabolism and make you feel hungrier — you may overeat and gain extra belly fat. Even antihistamines that calm your hay fever could cause weight gain. They lower a chemical your body makes to control your appetite, so you may sneeze less but eat more.

You’re in menopause

If you’re like most women, you may find your weight creeps up during menopause. Changes in your hormones, less muscle mass, and too little sleep from hot flashes can all lead to added pounds. If you wake up tired, you’re more likely to want to munch on snacks for a boost of energy later in the day. Your genes may also make you more likely to get a “spare tire.”

Check with your doctor

Some health problems can make it really hard to lose weight even if you diet and exercise. Your genes can also play a role in how much you weigh or where your body stores fat. Talk to your doctor if you just can’t seem to lose weight. Tests can show if you have a health problem that makes weight loss hard, and you can get medicine or other help to overcome it.

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• Adapted from

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