JAMAN SOUTH Municipal National Health Insurance Office Organized Community Durbar at Adamsu

JAMAN SOUTH Municipal National Health Insurance Office Organized Community Durbar at Adamsu
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This year’s last quarter community durbar was organised by National Health insurance scheme at Adamsu.
The National Health insurance scheme usually organizes a programme called community durbar within its jurisdiction.
This Community durbar was Organized to bring together the chiefs and the entire community of Adamsu community to educate the people on the benefits package of the national Health insurance policy.
The major stakeholders at the durbar included Nananom, the Municipal staff of the Jaman South social welfare department, the staff of Adamsu community health centre, kwatwuma Senior High school, the Adamsu presby JHS and R/C JHS, the association of hairdressers and dressmakers, farmers and market women etc.
Mr Maxwell Mahama,the National Health Insurance Scheme Manager, among other things explained that 95% of all ailments that are presented in Ghanaian health care facilities are covered under the National Health insurance scheme or policy.
According to the Scheme Manager, the services that are covered under the national Health insurance policy include; Out-patient services both general and specialist as well as consultations including reviews. Conditions treated in outpatient setting include the following: Malaria, acute respiratory tract infection, diarrhoea diseases, skin disease and ulcers, hypertension, rheumatism, anaemia, typhoid fever,asthma etc.
Mr Maxwell Mahama said that processing and provision for blood and all benefits package and no one must pay pesewa.
The public education and registration was also to the effect that Maternity Care including ante-nantal care services which also includes deliveries, namely, normal and assisted , including forceps delivery and Caesarean Section are all covered.
Mr Maxwell Mahama cautioned the members of the community to report all cases of unauthorized payments ( Co-payment) issues to the Municipal Insurance office for redress. He added that his office will never countenance cases of extortion by any accredited NHIS facility or provider and that those kinds of corruption and extortion are a major setback and an enemy to the National Health insurance authority.
According to the Scheme Manager, in December this year, NHIS will introduce another policy of new registration where new subscribers can sit at the comfort of their homes and workplaces and register to be enrolled as members of the NHIS without going to any NHIS office.
The people of the community were told by Mr Manager to make efficient and good use of the NHIS short code *929# to enable them to check their policy validity, to renew their expired cards, to register as new members, and to link their NHIS Cards to the Ghana Cards.
Nana Yaw Sekyere, the Representative of the Chief of Adamsu admonished the gathering that, lack of knowledge his people perish”
The chief representative added that alot of people do not know the good policy of the NHIS benefits package and encourage the NHIS subscribers to read and listen more about the National Health insurance benefits package and issues to have first aide education before visiting any NHIS accredited facility.
Finally, Mr Maxwell Mahama was worried about the fact that the whole of Jaman South MUNICIPALITY has no accredited pharmacy, over the counter, or chemical shop. He there appealed to members who are interested to engage the NHIA for accreditation to run that as a business in the Municipality.