Western Region: “Stop carrying Sachet Water to your site and drink the dirty water” – Environmental Health Director to Galamseyers

Western Region: “Stop carrying Sachet Water to your site and drink the dirty water” – Environmental Health Director to Galamseyers
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Environmental Health Director in the Amenfi East Municipality of the Western Region, Mr. Alexander Damptey is urging Galamseyers to halt carrying Sachet Water to their various sites to drink.
According to the Environmental Health Director, the illegal miners should rather drink from the water bodies they have destroyed to understand the kind of destruction they caused the nation especially farmers in the rural areas.
“All the illegal miners popularly known as galamseyers operating on the country’s river and water bodies should drink some of the dirty water when they are thirsty rather than carrying sachet water from home to their sites”, Mr. Damptey added.
Mr.Alexander Damptey who is part of the Anti Galamsey Taskforce formed to fighting against illegal mining activities in the country made this comment in a special tour at Wasa Ankonsia in the Amenfi East Municipality.
The tour was to inspect some of the forest reserves that has been destroyed by the illegal miners also the bad state of the Ankobra river and other water bodies in the area.
The interview was conducted by Agyemfra Bright of Apollo FM,Western Region.
SOURCE: Filasconews.com/Agyemfra Bright(Apollo FM)