E/R: A 47 year old Fetish Priest has killed a Farmer for money rituals

E/R: A 47 year old Fetish Priest has killed a Farmer for money rituals
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The Oklakwejo police have been arrested a 47 years old Fetish priest Kofi Ofori for the murder of a 50 year old farmer Benjamin Tetteh.
He allegedly killed him for money Rituals.
The Residents of Abetima near Oklakwejo in the Okere District of the Eastern Region have been thrown into a state of shock this morning, following the murdering of, a farmer Benjamin Tetteh” by Juju Fetish priest Kofi Ofori in the Area.
The Farmer, Benjamin Tetteh popularly known in the community as Ben J., left home on the morning of Sunday, November 13, 2022 to his farm but could not return.
According to the Dademantse of the area Mr. Narh Stephenson organized and search for their brother Benjamin Tetteh on the same day Sunday, November,11,2022 by the Chiefs and elders of the Community.
His body was later found at the Cemetery with the Fetish priest “Juju man” performing Rituals on the night with black cat, and the body of their brother.
An examination of the body revealed the heart had been removed by the “Fetish priest, popular Juju man kofi ofori.
He confessed to the crime and led the Police to the crime scene, cemetery.
The body of Benjamin Tetteh has been deposited at the koforidua Government Hospital.
For more information, contact Dedemantse Narh Stephenson ( Abetima Oklakwejo) on 0549631676.
Source: Emmanuel Adjetey (PowerFM reporter) /Filasconews.com