
Toothpaste is not just for Brushing teeth, These other uses will amaze you

Toothpaste is not just for Brushing teeth, These other uses will amaze you

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Toothpaste is the perfect invention from the 1900s for cleaning our teeth. What one other thing can remove dental plaque, prevent tooth decay and make our breath smell first-date worthy, all in one go? But surprise, surprise, toothpaste has even more uses than just boosting our oral health. Here are 4 things you can use toothpaste for.

Clothes With Clear Ink Or Lipstick Stains.

Toothpaste removes stubborn ink stains on clothing. Apply non-gel toothpaste on the stain and press the fabric together vigorously. Rinse with water after each use. Repeat the technique until all of the ink has been removed. The same method can be used to make lipstick and even coffee.

Remove Crayon From the Walls

Toothpaste can also be used to remove crayon scribbles from walls. If you prefer your walls to be spotless but have children at home who prefer to scribble on them, toothpaste will keep those scribbles from becoming permanent. Scrub the wall with toothpaste squeezed on it. The tiny abrasive in toothpaste will always rub away the crayon. Clean the wall by rinsing it with water.

Removes Pimples.

Apply a dab of non-gel, non-whitening toothpaste to the troublesome area, and it should dry up by morning. The toothpaste dries out the pimple while also absorbing the oil. This solution works well on pimples that have reached a point of no return. This treatment may irritate delicate skin.

Cracks in the phone screen are rendered invisible.

Brush your phone’s front or rear with toothpaste (wherever there are scratches). The toothpaste will act to hide the scratches and improve the appearance of your phone screen.

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Filasco News

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