This is useless: Ghana needs national repentance not divine Intervention – Rev. Boakye tells Aps. Eric Nyamekye

This is useless: Ghana needs national repentance not divine Intervention – Rev. Boakye tells Aps. Eric Nyamekye
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie (Country Director AWSOME BIBLE COLLEGE)
The current spiritual state of the Church of Pentecost does not fit for answered prayer from God. This statement is referential to the present lack of visible miracles and answered prayer that had formerly characterised the said Church, which Aps. Eric Nyamekye is the Chairman!
Our nation Ghana is presently plagued with immorality (promoted by the media and entertainment industry), paganism, blood shed (abortion, ritualism and mafia), occultism, bribery, abuse of the vonerable by politicians, religious leader, judiciary, aristocratic class and civil leaders at every level.
Until a national call for repentance is first observed, no amount of prayer and fast can bring down the hand of God! Some years back the Apostle of Strategic Prayer (Archbishop Docun Williams of Action Chapel prayed for the Cedi to rise and the Cedi has since been at the mercy of the Dollar. The Church of Pentecost’s National Prayer and Fast declaration will go down the drain as did the prayer of the Archbishop’s, unless we all come to respect the biblical rules of engagement for prayer and fast.
Whenever sin is at stake and repentance and forgiveness are not sought first, the effective prayers can exclusively save the righteous few.
Ezekiel. 14:1-23.
Abraham’s prayer couldn’t save Sodom and Gomorrah.
David’s prayer and fast couldn’t save his sick child.
Jeremaiah’s prayer couldn’t save Jerusalem and the Temple’s destruction by the Babylonians.
The Priests prayers couldn’t save Jerusalem and its Temple’s destruction in AD70 by the Romans.
My ears are not deaf, neither are my hands short to redeem, it is your iniquities that have separated you from me, says the Lord.
The influence of Christianity in Ghana of which The Church of Pentecost is part has diminished abysmally in her role as a beckon of spiritual light and salt and sooner or later the church in Ghana will be trampled under-foot. Matthew. 5:13-16.
The exclusive remedy for Ghana’s current woes is National Repentance not Divine Intervention.
(Rev. Emmanuel Boachie_ Country Director_ AWSOME BIBLE COLLEGE and Headpastor_SOULS’ PASTURE CHURCH Asuofua-ACHIASE Atwimah NND.).