Woman destroys Church Building and takes back the land She Gave Them after 8 years.. They Didn’t take a pin

Woman destroys Church Building and takes back the land She Gave Them after 8 years.. They Didn’t take a pin
TikToker, @jahbainatty, shared a video on social media of how a woman pulled down a church building after giving them the land to build on it.
According to the video, the church member gave them the land to put up a building, and she came back after eight years to reclaim her land.
It is further stated that she did not allow the church to salvage anything before the destruction took place.

A TikToker, @jahbainatty, has shared a sad incident on social media of how a woman destroyed a church building after giving them the land to build on. It is reported that after she gave the church the land, she returned after eight years to reclaim it. It led to a scuffle, and she brought an excavator to pull the church building down.
In the video, a group of people gathered around the site where the excavator was tearing down the church building. A woman was also heard lamenting and saying loud prayers to God, calling for justice. Several netizens reacted to the video on social media.