
Why this Tribe women sing during sex

Why this Tribe women sing during sex

The Himba, a nomadic tribe residing in northern Namibia, are known for their unique physical characteristics and practice of using a paste called Otjize on their skin and hair. This paste serves to cleanse the skin and protect it from harsh weather and insects, particularly during dry seasons when water is scarce. The Himba are also recognized for their tradition of welcoming guests with open arms, often offering them the hospitality of their wives.

The Himba tribe holds a unique belief about conception, where they believe that babies are not solely the result of the union of sperm and egg, but are instead attracted to the womb by a spirit baby singing a specific song. This song is heard by a woman who is also seeking to conceive.

This practice is done by a woman who wishes to become pregnant, she goes under a palm tree during a windy day and makes a bed, while she listens to the breeze and learns the song sung by the spirit baby that wants to be born at that moment.

Upon learning the song, the woman seeking to conceive seeks out the man she wishes to be the father of the child and instructs him in the song. Together, they engage in intercourse while singing the song. It is believed that by repeatedly singing the song during intercourse, the baby will be drawn to implant in the mother’s womb.

Filasco News

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