What Drinking lots of Water does to people with High Blood Pressure

What Drinking lots of Water does to people with High Blood Pressure
Some people have the misconception that hypertension is a relatively harmless condition; however, the number of people who have lost their lives as a result of the disease has steadily increased over the years, and it is now responsible for the premature deaths of millions of people in countries all over the world.
The medical condition known as high blood pressure can be managed in one of two ways: either by adopting healthy eating patterns and behaviors or by taking the appropriate medication. However, one question that has been posed repeatedly over the years is this: what, exactly, is the effect of drinking water on persons who have hypertension?
According to medicinenet, I am going to discuss about the effects that drinking lots of water has on those who have high blood pressure in this post.
The following are some of the effects that dehydration can have on a person’s health, and it is essential for individuals to be aware of these potential side effects.
1. Because of the decreased amount of water in the blood, they make the blood more thick and viscous than it would be otherwise.

2. The kidneys may also secrete renin if an individual does not drink sufficient amounts of water. As a consequence of this, the body may respond by retaining sodium and water in an effort to make up for the lost amount of fluid. If this response is ongoing, it may eventually lead to elevated blood pressure.
3. It does this by stimulating the release of a hormone called vasopressin in the brain, which then causes the blood vessels to constrict and causes the body to retain sodium. According to Healthine, this contributes to having high blood pressure.
Multiple studies have shown that drinking an adequate amount of water plays a significant part in the process of controlling the levels of blood pressure that are present in the body. It has the potential to help reduce overall levels of high blood pressure.