If you keep on seeing this sign frequently, visit a Doctor immediately to check if you have a Cancer

If you keep on seeing this sign frequently, visit a Doctor immediately to check if you have a Cancer
Heartburn that lasts three weeks or longer, and bothering you almost every day, it can represent one of the symptoms of cancer of the esophagus or stomach tumors!
According to research commissioned by the British Department of Public Health, only 55 percent of people are visiting a doctor in case the of heartburns, and these symptoms can often be a sign that there is a malignancy on two large internal organs.
Early diagnosis of these cancer is important and increases the probability of successful treatment. About 67 percent of people who are diagnosed at an early stage survive for at least another five years, but the figure drops to just three per cent for those in the disease is diagnosed at a late stage.
Research conducted on 1046 people showed that 59 percent of respondents did not know that heartburn can be a sign of cancer, and only 15 percent said they were sure that is a symptom.
Another symptom that is highlighted during the campaign has difficulty swallowing food.
The survey found that 70 percent of people do not know that food sticking in the throat can be a sign of cancer, while 13 percent were sure that it was a symptom of malignancy.