A Media and Information Literacy week Imperative Launched

A Media and Information Literacy week Imperative Launched
Man smashes suspected thief’s head with a heavy hammer till he passes on(VIDEO)
About 60% of the global population and 70% of youth is using the internet, yet wide-scale and sustainable Media and Information Literacy (MIL) training for all is still missing.
The rise of online and offline dis- and misinformation, conspiracy theories, hate speech and misuse of social media thus continue to pose a high threat. In the recent years, trust in government and media has been progressively eroded.
According to Mr. Prince Ofosu Sefah, Administrator / ( CEO ) GIFEC Response to this requires a combination of critical information, media and digital competencies. Studies suggest that citizens have higher resilience to disinformation in countries, where MIL is put in place at a policy level.
Against this backdrop UNESCO calls for all stakeholders globally to upscale and promote media and information literacy, to nurture eroding trust.
He added that, To contribute to this global mobilization and action, the 11th annual celebration of Global Media and Information Literacy Week will be celebrated under the theme “Nurturing trust:
A Media and Information Literacy Imperative”, It is co-organized by Ghana and UNESCO, and will be held in Abuja and online. You can register now.
The Global Media and Information Literacy Week was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly which unanimously adopted Resolution in 2021.
The Global Media and Information Literacy Week will bring together representatives of intergovernmental organizations, including different UN agencies, funds, programmes, government authorities, NGOs, digital platforms, media and information literacy experts and professionals from a vast array of fields, teachers, librarians and young people, to discuss and debate the essential issues that the world is facing in relation to mis- and distrust, online and offline challenges, and think together about solutions.
Story filed by: Fada Amakye from Otec fm