Do cloves tighten the vagina? Here’s what study says
According to Prof Nyarkotey’s research, there’s no evidence that cloves affect vagina tightening.
Professor of Naturopathic Healthcare and President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine & Technology (NUCHMT)/African Naturopathic Foundation, Prof Nyarkotey’s study has debunked claims that consuming cloves tighten the vagina.
“As part of my literature review on this important subject, I found no evidence that cloves affect vagina tightening. However, there are many benefits we derived from cloves. In this article, I review the scientific benefits of using cloves,” he disclosed in an article published on Myjoy Online.
The study
Prof Nyarkotey disclosed that Clove oil contains a chemical called eugenol that might help decrease pain and fight infections. Eugenol has also been described as a natural anaesthetic and can reduce pain.
Two animal studies (Ali et al.2014; Kuroda et al. 2012) found that the compounds in cloves may have numerous health benefits, such as support to liver health and lowering blood sugar levels.
Clove origin is traced to the Middle East and is considered Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine due to its purported aphrodisiac properties and ability to treat headaches and indigestion. It is a spice for cooking with the species name Syzygium aromaticum. It is predominantly grown in India and Madagascar.
Cloves, cancer prevention
Liu et al. (2014) test-tube study found that clove extract keeps aggression of tumours and promoted cell death in cancer cells. A previous test-tube study found the same results, demonstrating that concentrated amounts of clove oil caused cell death in 80% of oesophagal cancer cells ( Dwivedi et al. 2010).
Fast forward, Hussain et al. (2011) test-tube found that due to the presence of eugenol in cloves it has anticancer properties. This antioxidant property promoted cell death in cervical cancer cells. Let me state that these test-tube studies used highly concentrated amounts of clove extract, clove oil, and eugenol. A previous study by Hartnoll, G(1993) found that a high level, of eugenol, is toxic and overdosage on clove oil can cause liver damage, especially in children. There is a need to conduct studies to determine how lower amounts may affect humans.
Cloves, liver support
Studies have found that the compound eugenol has the locus standi to support the liver. For instance, one animal study(Al-Okbi et al. 2014) fed rats with fatty liver disease mixtures containing either clove oil or eugenol. They found that both mixtures enhanced liver function, decreased inflammation, and lowered oxidative stress. On the other hand, Ali et al.(2014) animal study also found that the eugenol found in cloves can reverse signs of liver cirrhosis or scarring of the liver. Do remember that these are animal studies only and human studies are limited.
Though human studies are limited, two earlier studies (Rompelberg et al. 1996; Harrison et al. 1990) found that taking eugenol supplements for 1 week decreased levels of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), a family of enzymes involved in detoxification that’s often a marker of liver disease. The antioxidant potential helps cloves to decrease stress( Medina and Moreno-Otero, 2005).
As previously stated, there is a tendency that eugenol can be toxic in high amounts. This was reported in one case study in a 2-year-old boy given 5–10 mL of clove oil which caused serious liver damage( Hartnoll and Douek, 1993)
Promote bone health
Certain compounds in cloves have been shown to help preserve bone mass in animal studies. For instance, Karmakar et al. (2012) animal study found that clove extract high in eugenol improved several markers of osteoporosis and increased bone density and strength.
As stipulated in the nutritional profile, Cloves are also rich in manganese, giving you 30% of the Daily Value in just 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of ground cloves. Additionally, Manganese is a mineral that’s involved in the formation of bone and is incredibly important to bone health.
For instance, Bae and Kim (2008) animal study found that consuming manganese supplements for 12 weeks increased bone mineral density and bone growth. Let me state that current research on the effects of cloves on bone mass is typically limited to animal and test-tube studies. Hence, extensive research is needed on humans for assessment.
Pain-Relief/Analgesic Effects
Clove, and especially clove oil, has long been used in dental care due to its natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its antiseptic and antibacterial effects.
Alqareer et al.( 2006) found that cloves support dull aches, reduce swelling and provide relief from discomfort in those with toothaches, skin breakouts, headaches, and sometimes other conditions. It can also help prevent plaque from forming on teeth, which may cause painful cavities(Axe, J, 2019).
Support stomach ulcers
They are also called peptic ulcers, stomach ulcers are painful sores that form in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or oesophagus. Studies stipulate that they are normally formed due to reductions in the protective lining of the stomach, and factors such as stress, infection, and genetics could be the trigger. For instance, one animal study by Santin et al.(2011) which used essential oil from cloves demonstrate the ability to enhance the production of gastric mucus.
A previous study by Kaunitz et al.(1999) found that gastric mucus acts as a barrier and averts attrition of the stomach lining from digestive acids. A subsequent animal study by Agbaje et al.(2008) found that clove extract support stomach ulcers and displays possessions the same as the many anti-ulcer medications. It is worth noting that the studies were based on animals and human studies are needed. This notwithstanding, they provide a clue on the many anti-ulcer effects of cloves and their compounds.
From studies, no single study demonstrates cloves water or any of its directives can tighten the vagina. However, studies have demonstrated the health benefits of Cloves such as blood sugar lowering and stopping the growth of bacteria and antifungal effect which can be used to fight vagina infections. Hence, women can add cloves to their daily diets to help them fight gynaecological issues and not tighten the vagina. Though, there are other natural ways to aid vagina tightening such as Kegel exercises or soaking in baths of vinegar dissolved in water is a popular and easy home remedy for a tight vagina. Aloe vera gel can be diluted in a bowl of water and used as a wash for the vaginal area. The astringent property of Aloe vera is known to help tighten the tissues. These remedies followed over some time can help restore vaginal tightness.
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