Pentecost Elder caught sleeping with his Brother’s wife

Pentecost Elder caught sleeping with his Brother’s wife
FLASHBACK: The Church of Pentecost and their congregants in Spain, Zaragoza to be specific were left in shock when their presiding elder was caught on camera trying to sleep with his own brother’s wife.
It happened in their matrimonial home.
According to what we gathered, the elder has been making those advances toward his brother’s wife for a long period of time.
And when the wife informed her husband, who, according to what we gathered, is working in a different town, didn’t believe it. The wife suggested and they all planned to set a trap to see if really, what the wife is saying is the truth.
The wife(Name withheld), invited the elder to her matrimonial home one fine afternoon for the much-awaited “s3xual bouts” the elder has been longing for.
And it was when the elder thought the action was about to start, his brother and other witnesses bagged in to witness the shame.
Watch the tape on the filasconews Telegram Page
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