Check out the 2 benefits of bitter juice that you did not know

Check out the 2 benefits of bitter juice that you did not know
Bitter leaf is a common leaf in Africa used for cooking various dishes and delicacies but not everyone is aware of its many health benefits especially those gotten from the bitter leaf juice.
Wherever it grows, it flourishes. And it’s evergreen. The Igbos call it Onugbu. The Yorubas call it Ewuro. The Hausas call it Shiwaka. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the plant its bitterness. Every part is bitter.
It is one thing to put it in your meals, but washing the leaf and extracting its raw, bitter juice is your best bet for getting all its benefits.
Below are some benefits of drinking bitter leave juice:
1.Controls the synthesis of female hormones:
Due to the presence of nutrients especially ß-carotene, it controls the synthesis of female gender hormones. This allows women to stay active, young, and healthy for a longer period.
2.Cures Insomnia
Bitter leaf juice helps in curing those suffering from insomnia. Take two glasses of bitter leaf juice every night, and your body system would be so calm you would sleep easily. You may add a little honey if you wish.