Outcome of the CETAG-PRINCOF Meeting Held Today

Outcome of the CETAG-PRINCOF Meeting Held Today
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The Conference of the Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) and the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana(CETAG) held a meeting today.
The meeting was necessitated following the leave of CETAG.
Below is the summary of the outcome of the meeting.
1. The meeting held between National Leadership of CETAG on one part and PRINCOF as well as a representative from FWSC on the other part, ended inconclusively at 4.30 p.m. today Tuesday, 13th September, 2022 at Princof House, East Legon, Accra.
2. PRINCOF agreed in principle at the meeting that tutors deserve to be compensated for the all-year-round work but they needed some time to negotiate with CETAG the rate to be paid.
3. Princof was unable to table any figure on the table despite the persistent demand from the CETAG side with the reason that they were pleading with CETAG to allow them some time to consult further with GTEC so that when the parties meet again they can come clear.
4. Based on that CETAG asked for two days, thus, 14th &15th September 2022 to take a decision on the issues discussed and communicate in writing to PRINCOF by close of Thursday, 15th September, 2022.
5. Leadership shall give a detailed report on the meeting (on our official letterhead) detailing all what transpired at to NEC, COUNCIL and all members tomorrow, 14th September, 2022 before 11 a.m.
6. Meanwhile, leadership will go into a consultation with our legal counsels tomorrow to inform the decision we shall arrived at before communicating in writing to PRINCOF by close of Thursday, 15th 2022.
7. This means that members will have to hold on to their inter-semester break (annual leave) until Thursday’s decision which will be based on counsels’ advice and that of leadership has been communicated to them.
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Thank you.
Ag. National Secretary