Bible verse that sends fear among all Christians and why preachers try to avoid it

Bible verse that sends fear among all Christians and why preachers try to avoid it
It is a distinction between reading and comprehending the Bible. Even if you read the Bible, you will not comprehend it. Many people read that book in the same way as literary specialists read novels or narrative books. As a result, it is critical that Christians read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and make the best decisions possible.
In the book of Revelation, there is a verse that has always been difficult to grasp. For starters, some pastors avoid the book of Revelation because it is considered scary. Many people avoided reading it because of the multiple threats it contained from chapter one to the conclusion. Let’s take this stanza as an example, and then talk about it later:
“Whoever was not found recorded in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire,” says Revelation 20:15. The second death, according to verse 16, has occurred. So there’s a book with names of pure and pious Christians in it. When a Christian loses faith, his or her name is removed from the book of life and entered into the book of names.
Having one’s name inscribed in the book of death is the worst thing that can happen to a Christian. Daily, the majority of Christians are involved in ministry activity. Going door to door, preaching the gospel to everyone. However, many Christians are dying as a result of their covert sins, and they will likely miss out on heaven. If you haven’t been born again, you won’t be able to see heaven.
Although pastors and gospel ministers will try to ignore this text, the truth will remain. Those who do not have their names inscribed in the Book of Life will share a portion of torment with the Antichrist. According to the Bible, the region is ablaze with flames and filled with sulfur.
That area is a never-ending source of pain. In other words, even if 1000 years have passed, eternity has yet to begin. But why should anyone prepare to go there when we may prepare to view heaven? There is a window, or more accurately, a grace period, in which to prepare for the Messiah’s arrival. Only the holy will be allowed to enter because Jesus Christ is coming.
Finally, sincere Christians will try to be holy and at peace with all men. They’ll also avoid sin. They will avoid stealing, slander, murder, envy, pride, corruption, and any other act of wickedness that could result in your name being written in the book of life. Let us, on the other hand, prepare for the Lord’s coming.