
Angry driver strips naked, curses MTN for blocking his phone number

Angry driver strips naked, curses MTN for blocking his phone number

He then walked angrily and crossed the road to the stand in on a barricade between the dual carriage road and then poured the drink on the road while pronouncing the curses.

After satisfying himself, he then returned to his car to wear his clothes amidst laughter and cheers from many bystanders—both male and female.

Some of the bystanders could be heard saying that it serves MTN well, while others said the driver sent his message strongly, but also ended up feeding the eyes of the public with his dangling genitals.

It appears that the dramatic incident occurred in front of an MTN office where many other customers are seen in a long queue waiting desperately to be attended to.

Drivers and passengers of vehicles that were using the road at the time of the incident could not believe what they were seeing.

Meanwhile, another interesting thing that caught the attention of some Ghanaian Twitter users is the fact that he has a cross attached to a chain hanging around his neck, which makes him come across as a Christian, but chose to embark on an exercise that might not be biblically acceptable.

Several Ghanaians have been venting on various social media platforms about their SIM cards being blocked, preventing them from receiving or making calls, among other things.

This follows a directive by the National Communication Authority (NCA) to the telecommunication companies to start blocking SIM cards that have not been re-registered using the Ghana Card as an Identity Card, even before the September 30 deadline elapses.

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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