Stop Eating These Foods Late At Night, It Is Not Good

Stop Eating These Foods Late At Night, It Is Not Good
As day breaks night falls, and when night comes so does the need to sleep. It is an inevitable factor concerned with man. Therefore it is by nature, and so should not be prevented nor disrupted. Though we being people sometimes go against this law, either consciously and is sometimes uneventful. This resulting from our actions and some things we do during the night like eating.
Eating late at night affects the body in many ways than one. It can either result to sleep deprivation, cause indigestion and possibly make a person accumulate too much fat. Foods that are not able to digest in the body are stored as fat, and some contain caffeine which keeps a person awake the entire night. These foods include the following.
Curry as in spicy foods
Sugary foods
Beverages like tea, coffee and the many.
As much a possible try to avoid eating these foods late at night, for they do not cooperate well with the bodys functioning when at rest.