“The reason why I slept with my daughter and have 2 kids with her” – Shameless man reveals

“The reason why I slept with my daughter and have 2 kids with her” – Shameless man reveals
A shameless Nigerian man, upon his arrest for incest, has explained what pulled him into such an abominable act.
The man, Amaechi Agnalasi and his daughter have thus been banished from Nnobi community in Anambra state for engaging in an incestuous affair that produced two children.
Instablog9ja reports that the lady, Queen Bassey revealed that she started sleeping with her father after she placed her under an oath shortly after her mom left her father.
This reportedly occurred after his wives left him. She went further to say that she can’t explain why she allowed the inc€stuous affair to go on for long.
Amaechi, on the other hand, said he indulged in the shameful act because he did not want his daughter to leave him because according to him, other kids that lived with him, left him and so he decided to have intimacy with his daughter so she wouldn’t leave him.